Hoping actual IT folks can help me out. I’m standing up my own enterprise network for the first time. We are a heavy construction company so our tech skills are pretty limited. I have 5 static IPs available. I am hoping to set up 3 access points behind the ISP. I want to have one router in my shop with 3 laptops a printer and a iPad. I am running Ethernet over to a scale house / sales building for a second router that has 2 Computers and a printer. The third connection will be my NVR for a 12 camera system. I have paid for 200mb private fiber circuit.(band width can be opened up for more $$$) My question is can I use a basic switch in front of the two routers and the NVR for the camera system. I want to maintain optimal speed and be able access / stream my camera system remotely. Any recommendations on how to stand this up as far as necessary equipment. Would be a huge help. Or even a good source of reading material that could help educate me. Or any simple added security recommendations would be appreciated. You won’t offend me if the answer is to outsource and hire an actual IT professional. I just come from a DIY industry.

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