Questions tagged [static-ip]

A static IP address is assigned to a device on a permanent basis. The IP address is not expected to change frequently or at all. This addressing method is commonly used for servers and other devices for which the address must be well-known.

A static IP address is assigned to a device on a permanent basis. The IP address is not expected to change frequently or at all. This addressing method is commonly used for servers and other devices for which the address must be well-known.

313 questions
2 answers

Ubuntu server static IP from install

Ok, in ubuntu hardy, though I might need to do this in both intrepid and jaunty as well soon enough, so if the process is different, I'd love to know how to do it for each of those as well, how can you set a static IP for the installation process…
3 answers

Pointing local machine to itself through internet

I'm very inexperienced with networking, so bear with me. I'm trying to connect to a windows service using soapclient in php, but I'm getting this error.. I believe the machine running the service is serving its local name as the source. Warning:…
Dave Kiss
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Static IP Means No Internet?

I have set up a static IP for my Ubuntu Server, but after doing so, I can not connect to the Internet on that computer. The site works fine, but if I remove the static IP, I cannot use the port forwarding I have configured with my router. My static…
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Windows Server - Dynamic update of DNS entries for hosts with static IP

I am using Windows Server SBS 2003 as a DNS server. I also have some other servers configured with a static IP (ESXi hosts, Linux hosts, Windows Server hosts, ...) and I want them to be added automatically into the DNS. These hosts has their…
1 answer

how to configure a real ip on windows 2008 r2

we got an real -static , external- IP address for our router to be able to access network from outside. i need to assign this IP to a a server running windows 2008 R2 to access sites hosted on it
2 answers

Centos internet not working

We have our test server configured with a CentOS installation. However, when we put the machine on Dynamic IP then the internet works fine. But we need static IP to configure it with the internet (ironically) and make the machine accessible.…
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5 answers

Will a router allow network traffic from a static IP?

We have some servers in a data center but the data center does not offer a DHCP service. We want to have some computers setup with DHCP and others that have static IP's. Currently our WAN cable going directly into a switch and statically setting the…
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1 answer

How to set a fix ip address to access localhost on iPad?

How to set a fix ip address to access localhost on iPad? I use XAMPP on Windows PC but access localhost on iPad. in iPad i need to type http://ip_address_of_my_computer_instead http://localhost The problem is every-time when I restart the pc ip…
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1 answer

How to set static IPs for virtual machines if you are behind a router

I know that you can manually set static IPs on virtual machines, procedure dependent on the operating system. However, if I am connected behind a router, I was told that DHCP could possibly dynamically assign an IP to that static IP. How can I…
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2 answers

Browser fails to load some websites with Static IP internet connection

We are using static IP internet connection and we have connected 4 computers with single internet connection using NAT/Router device. The problem is that when we try to load some websites, e.g. AWS, the website is not loading completely and it…
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1 answer

Building test environment inside Hyper-V - Adding machines into a Domain

I am currently building a test environment with 4 servers inside Hyper-V. One of the servers is a Domain Controller, the other servers will be a member of that domain. All machines are on an internal hyper-V network, I have then set up the wireless…
1 answer

Westell 7500 - unable to reach static IPs from external network

I am trying to troubleshoot a network configuration at a remote site. It's a standard configuration for us, that we use across multiple sites. The only difference here is that this ISP uses PPPoE, whereas our others do not. We were assigned a block…
Geo Ego
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1 answer

Virtual networking with VirtualBox

I have a question about virtual networking. I want to create a virtual network between two virtual machines and the host OS. The problem occurs when i try to change manually the ips of the virtual machines: if I set a static ip for the virtual…
1 answer

assign auto static ip on ubuntu 10.04

I'm trying to set auto static ip. I've set the content of /etc/network/interfaces to be: auto lo auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask gateway and /etc/resolv.conf to be: nameserver It…
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3 answers

How to set static private address for node running under VMWare?

I am running Ubuntu 10.10 in VMWare Player under Windows 7. Each time I reboot the node, it gets a different private IP address (I can see this with ifconfig). I would like my VMWare node to keep the same private IP address after each reboot. I am…
Jérôme Verstrynge
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