Questions tagged [ssis]

SQL Server Integration Services, used for data migration in and out of Microsoft SQL Server

76 questions
2 answers

Can I tell the last modified date on an SSIS package from Integration Services

Using SQL Server 2005 (and 2008) With a DTS package, I can open it, and it lists the date that the package was last modified. I have some SSIS packages, and I need to know if they have been modified since our last release. Is there any way to tell…
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Distributed and/or Parallel SSIS processing

Background: Our company hosts SaaS DSS applications, where clients provide us data Daily and/or Weekly, which we process & merge into their existing database. During business hours, load in the servers are pretty minimal as it's mostly users…
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How can I Import Data using SQL Servers SSIS, when using foreign key constraints?

I'm trying to set up an import form live database to our development database. I trying to do this using SSIS, but the import is failing because of constraints. E.g. I have the following tables: Customers Products OrderLines Orders Importing…
1 answer

Cannot connect to SQL Server Integration Services from SQL Server Management Studio: "Class Not Registered"

On a server running Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter, I have installed MS SQL Server 2014, using a very typical installation. On a Windows 7 client, I have installed SQL Server Management Studio 2016. I am able to connect to my SQL Server (as a…
Michael Plautz
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5 answers

Executing SSIS package

I posted my question on stackoverflow but I was told that it might be better off here. I have a problem executing my SSI package from command line. I created the package via SQL Server Business Intelligence Studio while logged in as a domain…
Saif Khan
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4 answers

Unix and Triggering MS SQL Server Integration Services Jobs

We have an AIX server which contains a lot of data, and once a night we dump that data to CSV for import into MS SQL Server for reporting reasons. At the moment, each step in the process is unlinked, and triggered simply on a timed basis - for…
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Installing ONLY SSIS and not the whole SQL Server system?

I have a production SQL Server 2008 running on Windows Server and I do testing and development on my laptop. My laptop is running Win XP and SQL Server Express 2008. In addition to having SQL Server Express I would like to install SSIS from the…
JD Long
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1 answer

The package failed to load due to error 0xC0011008 Error Loading from XML

Environment: Windows Server 2008 SP2 Enterprise Edition 64-bit SQL Server 2008 SP3 Standard Edition 64-bit Previously had SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition 32-bit Integration Services. That has now been uninstalled. ASP.NET v4 IIS 7 Our ASP.NET…
Chad Braun-Duin
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4 answers

can SSIS connect to another sql server?

Can an SSIS package run on one SQL Server instance but process data that is located on another SQL Server instance? I'd like to know this before I attempt to install SSIS and require a possible reboot on another server. I want to do because…
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1 answer

Execute SSIS package from a SQL Agent on another server

Here's my situation: I have two servers, Server A has the Database Server installed and the SQL Agent (SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition, 64-bit). Server B has a vendor specific application that needs SSIS to reside in the same server for some…
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2 answers

SSIS: How to create and export data to Microsoft Access 2003 database?

Goals - Automate exporting SQL Server 2005 views to Microsoft Access 2003 database (no transformation required) through SQL Server Job (with SSIS package) There is no "Access DB Destination" in BI toolbox. So the question is, How can I create an…
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SQL Server 2005: Copy SQL Server Agent Job?

I have a SQL Server Agent job comprised of 10 steps and each step has many parameters defined. Now I need another job almost exactly the same, but with a few differences. Since "copy / paste" isn't an option for jobs, I'm looking for suggestions on…
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Deploying an SSIS Package - TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified

I have an SSIS package which has 4 connections - a WebService, 2 SQL Server connections (across 2 domains), and 1 connection to an Oracle DB. When the package is run from Visual Studio from a laptop, it runs OK. When I deploy it to the server, I'm…
Dave Salomon
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2 answers

Why does SQL 2005 SSIS component install fail?

I am trying to install SSIS on our production SQL 2005 SP2 box. Each time I try, the install/setup screen results in failure, starting with the native client, and moving on down. Screen shots below show what I see: Here is the result of clicking…
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3 answers

How can I make my SSIS process consume more resources and run faster?

I have a daily ETL process in SSIS that builds my warehouse so we can provide day-over-day reports. I have two servers - one for SSIS and the other for the SQL Server Database. The SSIS server (SSIS-Server01) is an 8CPU, 32GB RAM box. The SQL…
Raj More
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