Questions tagged [distributed-computing]

43 questions
5 answers

Are there any Distributed/mesh-like/P2P VPNs?

I have my personal VPN, connecting several devices so they can have fixed IP addresses on an always-reachable network (as long as they are connected to the Internet). This is necessary for me, since my devices can be on the move, on different and…
6 answers

Huge File System?

Suppose that one has 100 machines (each with a 2TB hard drive), all connected in a network. Is there a way (in Linux) to unite this combined 200TB of disk space into one folder, that can be shared using NFS among all machines that are in the…
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Load-balanced Linux server across internet?

I'm investigating setting up a load balanced server solution consisting of three CentOS 5.4 boxes. Two of these boxes will reside in one facility, while a third will reside in a different facility. I'm currently working to set up heartbeat,…
1 answer

Distributed and/or Parallel SSIS processing

Background: Our company hosts SaaS DSS applications, where clients provide us data Daily and/or Weekly, which we process & merge into their existing database. During business hours, load in the servers are pretty minimal as it's mostly users…
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Is there something (free) like ZFS or HadoopFS or GFS for Windows?

At work, we've got a bunch of boxes with free HD space. I'd like to run something like ZFS on those machines, making a large virtual file system available to all of the users. In my mind, it would map as a drive letter Z:, or maybe a UNC \\zfs\,…
Matt Cruikshank
2 answers

How do I distribute HTTP traffic to the closest server?

This is kind of a two part question. So I have a DigitalOcean Droplet in Toronto with a lamp stack on it (with a website of course). I want to be create a snapshot of that droplet and deploy a clone in perhaps San Francisco and Amsterdam. How do i…
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How to set up alerts on Ganglia?

How can I set up Ganglia so that I get an email if a machine in the cluster is using, for example, greater than 95% of physical RAM?
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Recommendations for distributed processing/distributed storage systems

At my organization we have a processing and storage system spread across two dozen linux machines that handles over a petabyte of data. The system right now is very ad-hoc; processing automation and data management is handled by a collection of…
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4 answers

University Renderfarm management tools?

Faculty are requesting tools to manage the rendering crunch during finals week. Currently the status quo is a free-for-all in the computer lab during project deadlines. People end up "reserving" computers for rendering with signs threatening curses,…
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distributed storage solutions

I've got some desktop PCs available in my company since the last user hardware renewal and I would like to re-use them for a demo plaform. They are powerfull enought to emulate a few servers. I guess I could do some virtualization farm, however…
5 answers

Distributed cron

I maintain many servers and have the following requirements Run a unix process at a given time Run a unix process at boot time and keep it running (in case it dies) Disable a running process I am using cron right now, but it is time consuming to…
2 answers

What is an easy solution to distribute commands/tasks in a Linux network?

Possible Duplicate: Linux - Running The Same Command on Many Machines at Once Here's the situation: We have a lab that consists of fifteen quad-core machines, each running Ubuntu Linux. There is a video encoding software I need to be running,…
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4 answers

Distributed computing for a company? Is there such a 'free' thing?

I am new to the whole distributed computing / cloud thing. But I had an idea at work for our multimedia stuff like movie encoding / cpu intensive things tasks (which sometimes take a few hours). Is there a 'free' (linux?) way to go about using a…
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Is it practical to keep home directories on OpenAFS?

I am a sysadmin by trade, and I do what I do at work at home as well for fun. I have a Gentoo Linux laptop, Raspberry Pis running Raspian, a Gentoo server, ARM devices running Debian and have various Android devices. I am always wrestling and…
1 answer

Distributed image processing on AWS: how to know the address of master node?

Context: I am building a mobile application that will let users apply advanced filters to their pictures. Since the processing can't be done on the phone, it will be offloaded to EC2 instances. I plan on having one "master" node which will receive…
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