AIX (Advanced Interactive eXecutive, pronounced "a i ex") is a series of proprietary Unix operating systems developed and sold by IBM for several of its computer platforms.
Questions tagged [aix]
287 questions
5 answers
How do I tell which AIX version am I running?
How do I tell which AIX version am I running?
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6 answers
Where do you normally keep your UNIX/Linux scripts?
There are numerous scripts that I have written for my server. Some of them are in my ~/scripts and some of them are in application directories.
I am just wondering is there a directory that you would normally use to keep your shell scripts?
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14 answers
Why pay for UNIX?
I'm fairly new to Unicies. With the advent of GNU/Linux and BSDs, what are the reasons for companies to prefer AIX, Solaris and other commercial systems?
Tim McNamara
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3 answers
How to catch DNS request using 'netstat' in Unix
I am working in a bank where 'netcat' is not there. I am having problem wherein one DNS server of the two going down is causing impact. In order to troubleshoot, I need to catch the request (incoming and outgoing) from the DNS clients (AIX). How can…
Biman Roy
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2 answers
Does SCP lock the file it is transfering?
Have a situation where we have an application log sitting out on an AIX server. The log is being continually written to from the application, and we have users on Windows who want to view the file. What they've been doing is using WinSCP to…
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3 answers
Alternatives to CURL, WGET
Is anyone aware of any alternatives to curl and wget? The key functional requirement I'm looking for is to be able to execute an HTTPS GET request against a known URL.
The reason I'm looking for an alternative is simply that I'm trying to execute a…
Paul Russell
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6 answers
What is the best TERM type on AIX for use with PuTTY, and which PuTTY settings should be tweaked?
I manage many AIX machines, generally version 5.3.
Basic terminal function works just fine, but it seems like some things don't. For example nmon displays lqqx instead of the line drawing…
Joe Koberg
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2 answers
Is IBM's OS V7R2 the same as AIX?
Im working with a an iSeries Power 7+ server and the operating system is V7R2, is this a version of AIX or a completely different OS?
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4 answers
AIX: how to change a password as root without setting the ADMCHG flag?
I'd like to change the password of another user, as root, but don't want the user to be prompted to change their password when the log in. As far as I can tell, any mechanism to change the password as root set the ADMCHG flag in…
Ryan Emerle
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4 answers
How to tell if a file is older than 30 minutes on AIX?
I'd like to write a shell script in ksh or bash which exits with 1 if a specific file is older than 30 minutes. (Last modification time is older than half hour).
It would be easy on a Linux or a modern unix, but I have to do it on AIX 5.2…
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2 answers
How do you configure X11 forwarding over SSH on AIX?
Here is what I've tried.
I've edited /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the remote AIX system
X11Forwarding yes
X11DisplayOffset 10
X11UseLocalhost yes
as well as set $DISPLAY
export DISPLAY
connect via RHEL
ssh -X…
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3 answers
Command to determine type of AIX hardware
I want to know whether the given IBM -AIX box is pseries or iseries.
If there is a command or set of commands that can give me the information for the same.
Rohit Srivastava
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6 answers
How can I tell what filesystems are on a disk in AIX?
I use the tool "topas" to get a quick peek at CPU, memory, and disk statistics on an AIX machine. I understand the numbers on the disk section, but what I don't know is how to tell which filesystem(s) are on the disks shown in topas. Here is some…
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7 answers
Is it possible and how to mount an AIX disk into Linux?
I have a disk from a AIX server that I need to explore in order to recover some data (the server is down).
Is it possible to mount AIX partitions on Linux? How?
Ghislain Leveque
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2 answers
How to identify ancient KornShell version?
We had a guy retire on us, and the documentation left behind is a little on the light side. Need a little help identifying and using part an older client-server system.
The server itself is maintained by several excellent Unix admins. We are…
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