Questions tagged [spdy]

SPDY (pronounced "SPeeDY"), now HTTP/2, is a networking protocol whose goal is to speed up delivery of web pages

SPDY (pronounced "SPeeDY") is a networking protocol whose goal is to speed up the web. SPDY augments HTTP with several speed-related features that can dramatically reduce page load time:

SPDY allows client and server to compress request and response headers, which cuts down on bandwidth usage when the similar headers (e.g. cookies) are sent over and over for multiple requests. SPDY allows multiple, simultaneously multiplexed requests over a single connection, saving on round trips between client and server, and preventing low-priority resources from blocking higher-priority requests. SPDY allows the server to actively push resources to the client that it knows the client will need (e.g. JavaScript and CSS files) without waiting for the client to request them, allowing the server to make efficient use of unutilized bandwidth.

With the approval of HTTP/2, SPDY has now been officially adopted by the IETF and is now a web standard. As a result, Google (the initiators of SPDY) have given mod_spdy to the Apache Foundation. will still need mod_spdy, but Apache 2.4.7 and later have(or will soon have) it included natively. also includes mod_spdy natively.

54 questions
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NGINX SPDY client differentiation/determination

I'm having a question about determining if a client is capable of SPDY or just SSL. I'm having a setup of a NGINX load balancer and a few Apache backend servers and I'd like to redirect SPDY capable clients to specific backends, as well as redirect…
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Enabling SPDY for nginx as reverse proxy to Apache

I am running nginx as a reverse proxy to apache (with mod_wsgi for a django app). nginx also serves static files. If I enable spdy on nginx, do I need to enable spdy on apache too to get maximum benefit of spdy?
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Can't get SPDY working on nginx 1.5.9

I can't get spdy to work after reinstalling Ubuntu. I'm using nginx 1.5.9 from the nginx launchpad repository which has spdy support build in. Snippet: root@ssl:/etc/nginx/# nginx -V nginx version: nginx/1.5.9 TLS SNI support enabled configure…
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Varnish, Nginx & SSL

I've added SPDY to my server last week which is running Varnish for cashing and Nginx as webserver. Varnish was listening at port 80 and Nginx at 8080 and 443. Traffic at 8080 is redirected using rewrite ^$request_uri…
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Is there a reverse proxy that can make SPDY connections to a back-end?

...other than spdylay in --spdy-relay mode? We've got a situation where a reverse-proxy has to talk SSL to a Tomcat server, and I'd love to test the performance boost of SPDY. Apache and Nginx both speak SPDY on the front, but as near as I can tell…
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Nginx compiled --with-http_spdy_module yet raise errors complains ngx_http_spdy_module

[emerg] 21101#0: the "spdy" parameter requires ngx_http_spdy_module in /etc/nginx/conf.d/cc.conf isn't it the same module? and it causes multi-redirection error too. I have no idea what is going on. Full configure arg: nginx version:…
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Serving static front page using SPDY and nginx

I have a personal website which I recently upgraded to nginx 1.4 series. I enabled SPDY support, Using the Chrome extension SPDY indicator I can see that the front page is not using SPDY. Once I click on one of the links I can see that SPDY is…
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http/1 and http/2 parallel delivery using nginx

Is it possible to have both http/1 and http/2 enabled for a vhost in nginx? The idea is to broaden the supported browsers by serving http/2 if supported, and, if not, fall back to http/1.
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How to enable SPDY in LiteSpeed?

I have the latest LiteSpeed Enterprise running on my server. It was not installed with SPDY enabled. How do I enable SPDY? The server got lots of IPs and SSL certificates. I've seen that it might be possible by recompiling LiteSpeed but that's…
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