Questions tagged [spdy]

SPDY (pronounced "SPeeDY"), now HTTP/2, is a networking protocol whose goal is to speed up delivery of web pages

SPDY (pronounced "SPeeDY") is a networking protocol whose goal is to speed up the web. SPDY augments HTTP with several speed-related features that can dramatically reduce page load time:

SPDY allows client and server to compress request and response headers, which cuts down on bandwidth usage when the similar headers (e.g. cookies) are sent over and over for multiple requests. SPDY allows multiple, simultaneously multiplexed requests over a single connection, saving on round trips between client and server, and preventing low-priority resources from blocking higher-priority requests. SPDY allows the server to actively push resources to the client that it knows the client will need (e.g. JavaScript and CSS files) without waiting for the client to request them, allowing the server to make efficient use of unutilized bandwidth.

With the approval of HTTP/2, SPDY has now been officially adopted by the IETF and is now a web standard. As a result, Google (the initiators of SPDY) have given mod_spdy to the Apache Foundation. will still need mod_spdy, but Apache 2.4.7 and later have(or will soon have) it included natively. also includes mod_spdy natively.

54 questions
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Enabling mod_spdy with mod_proxy_ajp to Tomcat

I am using mod_proxy_ajp to Tomcat. If I enable mod_spdy... Will this mean that connections over the proxy will be SPDY enabled?
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Keepalived (LVS) + SPDY

I've got Keepalived configured with LVS to spread the load between four Nginx web servers (RR mode, no persistence connections). I was planning to enable SPDY however it seems that SPDY sets up a single TCP connection per host so when a web node is…
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Just installed StartSSL certificate on my debian wheezy, nginx 1.6 server. Everything seem to be working fine, I can browse the website in https no problem until I try to login... IE works fine and I can login to OK. Chrome gives me this error:…
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With SPDY push, is there any point in far-future expires headers?

As I understand it, in SPDY push the server serves up an HTML doc, looks at it before sending it, and decides I need images/css resources X Y and Z, so sends them over as well. How does it know to not bother, if they're already cached by my browser?…
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How to enable spdy module in nginx 1.4.1?

I have installed nginx 1.4.1 using in ubuntu 13.04 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nginx/stable sudo apt-get install update sudo apt-get install nginx When I run nginx -V it returns nginx version: nginx/1.4.1 along with other other config details but I…
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Why does Chrome fetch file in SSL so fast?

I have a remote server, which is about 390 ms ping delay. The server is nginx with ssl (spdy/2). When I use curl to fetch a small resource, it takes mostly 2 seconds. * About to connect() to port 443 (#0) * Trying *…
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Does spdy requires all site to switch on SSL?

I was interested in installing the SPDY mod for apache2, in order to improve the speed / latency of my website. My major question is : does all the websites on my dedicated server will have to switch to SSL, or will SPDY be enabled only for the SSL…
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Sinatra/Nginx/ELBv2 API is generating ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR on Chrome 58 or higher only

I have an API with the following stack: Sinatra <=HTTPS/TLS=> Nginx <=HTTPS/TLS=> ALB(ELBv2) It's a basic URL shortener that sends a 301 redirect to the browser to go to the longer URL. This was working flawlessly for a year or two, but since…
Dan R
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Strange behaviour with HTTP/2.0 (Apache-2.4.25)

I recently implemented HTTP/2.0 (yesterday), and while developing my website I have noticed that some requests are being delivered as HTTP/1.1. At first I thought that the fact they are taking 0ms that maybe it's due the files being in local cache,…
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HTTP/2 and SPDY running together in Apache

I have the latest Apache installed and currently support HTTP/2. Can I setup SPDY and run it together with HTTP/2? The goal is to also take advantage of the SPDY for browsers that do not support HTTP/2. Thanks.
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Measure goodput before sending a response

My idea is to make it possible for web applications working on slower connections to fallback on alternative smaller asset versions(like images, videos, etc.). HTTP Live Streaming has similar behavior but for video streams. At first I thought, this…
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Nginx with Chrome: 400 Bad request (premature end of spdy header block)

I'v discovered, that may server's log have many of HTTP 400 Bad requests, originating from clients using Chrome browser, with a rapid DOS-like interval. (40-50 requests per second) [16/Oct/2015:12:57:02 +0200] "-" 400 0 "-" "-" Enabling info…
Andras K
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Is it correct that Nginx reports HTTP/1.1 status codes with SPDY (3.1)?

Questions Do I have to look at response headers like X-Firefox-Spdy to determine which protocol was actually used? Can I assume that Nginx will report HTTP/2 status codes once the implementation is finalized because that is to be expected behaviour…
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Can't make SPDY work on Apache 2.2.22 (Ubuntu 12.04 server)

I'm trying to enable this apache module. I did everything this documentation from Google says: https:// However, if I use "SPDY indicator" chrome extension to check if it's working it shows that it…
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Apache spdy is on, passed spdycheck but browser still cannot use spdy

After install mod_spdy, switch to mode ssl_with_npn and test with spdytest I see everything is working well: But when start with firefox, the spdy check plugins show my connection is not using spdy. When use…
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