Questions tagged [spdy]

SPDY (pronounced "SPeeDY"), now HTTP/2, is a networking protocol whose goal is to speed up delivery of web pages

SPDY (pronounced "SPeeDY") is a networking protocol whose goal is to speed up the web. SPDY augments HTTP with several speed-related features that can dramatically reduce page load time:

SPDY allows client and server to compress request and response headers, which cuts down on bandwidth usage when the similar headers (e.g. cookies) are sent over and over for multiple requests. SPDY allows multiple, simultaneously multiplexed requests over a single connection, saving on round trips between client and server, and preventing low-priority resources from blocking higher-priority requests. SPDY allows the server to actively push resources to the client that it knows the client will need (e.g. JavaScript and CSS files) without waiting for the client to request them, allowing the server to make efficient use of unutilized bandwidth.

With the approval of HTTP/2, SPDY has now been officially adopted by the IETF and is now a web standard. As a result, Google (the initiators of SPDY) have given mod_spdy to the Apache Foundation. will still need mod_spdy, but Apache 2.4.7 and later have(or will soon have) it included natively. also includes mod_spdy natively.

54 questions
2 answers

403 Forbidden error with fcgid and PHP

I'm trying to configure php and mod_spdy on Apache 2.4, Debian jessie, x64. I've followed this guide and configured Apache following this other guide and installed these packages: libapache2-mod-fcgid php-cgi php5-fpm I now have problems with php…
Lucio Crusca
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Apache with SPDY enabled show HTTP/1.1 and not 2.0

How I can make the requests shows HTTP 2.0 and not 1.1? I'm sending requests with SPDY only and not 1.1.
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Is it normal for nginx latency to get worse throughout the loading of a webpage's assets?

If I open up Chrome devtools and go to the Network panel and then do a ctrl+F5 of my website, I notice a pattern each time. The first request, to a php page, has a latency (waiting) time of 74ms. pinging my server takes 35ms, so I'm reasonably…
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Missing NPN Extension

I'm trying to set up mod_spdy with Apache (mod_spdy- and apache2-2.2.22-13+deb7u3 on Debian Wheezy). As far as I can tell, everything is the way it's supposed to be, but I'm getting the "Missing NPN Extension in SSL/TLS Handshake" error…
Jay K
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Website does not advertise HTTP in its NPN Extension spdy

I have configure Apache with SPDY (and PHP-FPM). Everything works fine. However, shows me following error: HTTP Over SSL Not Supported! This website only supports SPDY over SSL, and does not advertise HTTP in its NPN Extension. Web …
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SPDYCheck says "yay", but my browser says "nay"? gives the thumbs up all round, with its only criticism being Out-of-Date SPDY Protocol Support The most recent version of SPDY is spdy/3. The highest version this website supports is spdy/2. There are 3 major versions of SPDY. This…
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Nginx 1.5.1 with spdy support, passenger and php

I can't figure out if spdy is already packaged with nginx 1.5.1 or I have te recompile it. I installed nginx with the following command passenger-install-nginx-module this installed nginx 1.4.1 without the spdy module compiled into it. The php-fpm…
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nginx spdy support not working

i try to install nginx with spdy support following here:ningx spedy, i used this configuration command ./configure --with-http_ssl_module --with-http_spdy_module --with-openssl="/..../openssl/openssl-1.0.1c" but when i go and check my site on…
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Apache mod-pagespeed installation affects mod-spdy?

Recently my site (an https connection, running on an Amazon EC2 ubuntu apache2.2) has this issue where I need to load the page several times (3-4) before it will load normally without issue. It will then load normally as long as I keep loading pages…
tim peterson
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Chrome err_spdy_protocol_error and Firefox using spdy without according headers

On Chrome, when calling my webpage, I get a err_spdy_protocol_error page. Also, an nginx ssl handshake error is thrown. This got me thinking, why is Chrome using SPDY to call my page and why does it fail? Furthermore, I´ve noticed that, while the…
1 answer

Is it possible to use SPDY module for non-secure connections?

SPDY module is designed to only work with secure connections (SSL-enabled websites). I want to know there is any fork of that project (specifically MOD_SPDY for apache) which bypasses SSL and works over non-secure HTTP (and not HTTPS)…
Ehsan Khodarahmi
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1 answer

Install SPDY failed

I am trying to install SPDY on my server. I am running CENTOS 6.6 x86_64 with Apache. I am using the following guide, But getting the following error when I try to install…
2 answers

Spdycheck is OK but Chrome 42 has Not Spdy Enabled

I am trying to implement spdy protocol with Nginx 1.8.0. I've built it with spdy module. When I check my website through it is everything green and says spdy 3.1 is supported, but chrome extension in Chrome 42 doesn't show green arrow…
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IE 11 not using SPDY with NGINX as reverse proxy to PHP IIS

I have a SPDY enabled NGINX front end server which is acting as a proxy to a couple of IIS backend servers. SPDY works awesome when using either Chrome, Opera Next or Firefox but when I load my sites on IE11 SPDY wont work at all: URL …
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3 answers

Enabling spdy in nginx fails

I'm trying to enable spdy with nginx 1.6.0 but is giving me two complaints: And My nginx configuration file is as such: server { listen 80; listen 443 ssl spdy; server_name; ssl_certificate…
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