Questions tagged [solr]

Solr is an open source enterprise search platform from the Apache Lucene project, written in Java.

190 questions
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SOLR with tomcat - large amount of processes

I am currently serving solr using tomcat6, however I have noticed that when I run top there are a large number of java processes being run by the tomcat user. 22738 tomcat6 20 0 634M 98M 4072 S 0.0 12.9 0:00.00…
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Multi-server Solr configuration question

I have a three-server Solr setup. Server 1 adds new data to the solr index every few minutes. Servers 2 & 3 use the index on server 1 using a file sharing configuration. To get the index updates, servers 2 & 3 run the simple command below every…
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Solr log file location on Ubuntu

I have installed Solr in Tomcat on my Ubuntu box. After making some changes to the schema.xml configuration file, I get the following error when accessing the web interface of Solr: HTTP Status 500 - Severe errors in solr configuration. Check…
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Apache Solr: What is a good strategy for creating a tag/attribute based search for an image

I recently read an article about YayMicro that descries how they used solr to search their photos. I would like doing something similar (but on a smaller scale). I have figured out how to have solr to search text files, but I would like to learn…
0 answers

Trouble in deploing Solr on Tomcat and Debian

We have a Solr index application. It works very well on Lubuntu 10.10 (that's my local linux machine). But I could'n run it in hoster Debian 2.6.26-15lenny3 (gcc version 4.1.3 20080704 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.2-25)). I think that configs are fine,…
Vasiliy Toporov
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Accessing jetty server on aws via internal ip

I've setup a solr server in aws. It's an ubuntu server and jetty is the webserver being used. I'm able to access the solr instance externally but my webserver can't access the solr instance via the internal ip even though they are both part of the…
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Solr on Tomcat (Ubuntu OS) installation

I have to install Solr on my Ubuntu Server. However, Solr wont work without Tomcat or another container, and also Java. I have successfully installed tomcat6 and java. BUT, in a tomcat6 guide online, it says I should configure iptables to allow…
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Solr vs 'this' word

There is a smal problem with solr. When I try to search text containing the word 'this' by issuing 'this' in the search console, solr doesn't find anything. However there are no problems with other words. Is it sort of reserved word or something…
1 answer

Severe errors in solr configuration: Error loading class

Installed Solr on my Windows XP PC. Tomcat seems to be working fine. Cannot get Solr to work. I noticed the TrieDateField is declared in a file called schema.xml in the SolrHome directory. Any thoughts? The Url http://localhost:8080/solr/…
James Lawruk
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how to add solr to run on startup?

I asked this question before, but I think I got answers that were cron job type answers. I want the solr service to startup if I reboot my computer, and I also want it to run by itself instead of me opening up cmd.exe and running it manually, and…
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Securing Apache Solr on an Apache TLS / SSL server

I have a SSL-only website hosted on a CentOS 7, Apache httpd based server. SSL certification is via a Let's Encrypt certificate. The domain has a HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) policy. I am also running Apache Solr (indexing; search) as a…
0 answers

How to Fix Apache Solr 8 Suggester 404 Error?

I get an error 404 when I try to call the suggester. I configured it as described in the Solr docs and restarted Solr 8: My configurtion in solrconfig.xml: mySuggester FuzzyLookupFactory
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Zookeeper ensemble leader reporting incorrect number of followers

I have a zookeeper ensemble running in Kubernetes consisting of 3 instances. The ensemble operates mostly correctly and successfully services the Solr cluster it is backing. One thing does seem incorrect however, and it's breaking some health checks…
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ubuntu server tar -xvf failed for solr.tar.gz

I am trying to extract solr server downloaded from But am getting an error on ubuntu server. gzip: stdin: not in gzip format I can confirm that I extracted this file with no…
Dr Deo
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Change WebApp ROOT application in tomcat 8 (No WAR file)

I am trying to change the ROOT application for another one that I installed using Maven but I do not achieve it, the application also uses apache solr. Is there any way to place both at root level? And if I would have to recompile it, what would the…
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