Questions tagged [solr]

Solr is an open source enterprise search platform from the Apache Lucene project, written in Java.

190 questions
1 answer

Solr 4.4 with tomcat 6 throws 503 on tomcat manager

System Details: OS: Cent OS 5.5 x86_64 java - 1.7 (1.7.0_25) tomcat : 6.0.37 solr 4.4 (configured for multi-core) I had solr 4.4 multicore running perfectly on jetty (although running just one core at the moment). I need to run the same on tomcat 6…
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Does Apache Solr 3.x require a reload after posting a Schema.xml?

I'm in a situation where I'm not sure if I can reload the server (I have no access to it), but I need to modify the schema. I'm posting a new schema.xml and it looks successful, but I'm not sure the schema has changed. It may be a mistake in my…
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Solr Replication without using zookeeper

The application that I am currently working on does not need real time indexing. I am using Solr as the indexing engine and I want to setup a High Availability Solr cluster with 2 replica nodes. Seems zookeeper can be of help, but again, to make it…
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Solr list all records but fq matching records first

I’m using solr 4.0 with DIH jdbc connector. I have a field named code with multiple values separated by semicolon(;). I am trying to list the search results which matches the field query(fq) to be listed at the top and remaining should be listed…
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Tomcat7 / Solr crashing under 'instant' load?

I'm new to solr and I'm load testing our setup to see what we can handle. I'm using solrmeter and my problem is a bit odd: When I set solrmeter to run 8000 queries/min, it will handle a few hundred queries and then tomcat will stop responding…
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gracefully stopping Apache Solr from command line

I using using jetty to run Solr using the following cmd line: java -jar start.jar & how can I stop this instance of solr gracefully?
Saqib Ali
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Committed memory on my tomcat server

I have a problem to configure JVM on my server. The server is a machine runs on AWS with 8G of RAM and 8 CPU. There is only tomcat6 with solr on the server. Actually I have configured JVM like that: JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true -D64 -server…
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Add a web based document search to my debian fileserver

I have a Samba-based fileserver with lots of gigs of data on it, mostly Word, Excel, OpenOffice and PDF documents. I've set up a simple web based search interface (Apache, PHP, mlocate) that just goes on filepaths + mtime. It works, for that, but it…
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Limiting solr (not java) to use a certain amount of memory

I know I can pass parameters to java to limit the amount of memory used, but that doesn't change the application behavior. (assuming I will get an out of memory exception or similar) I would like to limit the amount of memory that solr uses. I am…
cat pants
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1 answer

SOLR high CPU usage in amazon EC2

I installed solr-3.6 in my local windows box and it worked fine. I installed solr-4.0 in amazon ec2 linux large instance and the cpu usage shot upto 100%. It maintained at 80-90% average cpu power. I thought it could be because of 4.0, So I…
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How to stop Solr service from command line

I used to start Solr with this command: java -jar start.jar and all I had to do to stop it was press Control + C But then I started it this way: java -jar start.jar & Which starts it as a background process so I can get the shell back after it…
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Error running Solr

I'm trying to install Apache Solr for Plone, via collective.solr. I've followed the instructions above, and extended my buildout with: [buildout] extends = buildout.cfg …
Jon Hadley
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Best Metrics for Monitoring Apache Solr instance

We are running apache solr through sunspot. What are the best metrics to use to look at the performance of solr in regards to needs to cluster/scale? I am looking at monitoring these with nagios or sensu and was planning on just graphing requests…
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What is the --daemon option?

I was installing Solr with Jetty using these instructions. Basically, those instructions made you download the Jetty startup script and copy it to /etc/init.d/jetty. But it was not working. Each time I was starting Jetty, I had a "FAILED" message…
0 answers

how to get good logging for solr? and why sometimes it didn't accomplish the indexing process?

I have installed solr (lucidworks-enterprise-installer-1.7.jar) [jetty] on my server (Ubuntu 9.10), and created a cron job to build FULL index everyday morning 30 3 * * * curl…
Alaa Alomari
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