I have to install Solr on my Ubuntu Server. However, Solr wont work without Tomcat or another container, and also Java.

I have successfully installed tomcat6 and java.

BUT, in a tomcat6 guide online, it says I should configure iptables to allow connections via port 8080, which I have done. Then the guide says I can test the tomcat6 by going to:


But this makes the browser just load and wait somehow for a response, and finally display "website not available".

I have NO clue how to install Solr with Tomcat. Does anybody know how?

How do I know Tomcat6 works?

BTW: When I do this: /etc/init.d/tomcat6 start then it says OK.

If you need something let me know, I really need help with this one.



When executing this: sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat6 status it respons is Tomcat servlet engine is running with pid 28641

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  • Check that it's actually lisening on port 8080, lsof -i :8080 . If yes, check $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/catalina.out to see if there are any errors. If no errors, check locally using a commandline client like elinks or similar, i.e. elinks . See Tomcat default page? Yes, you still have some firewall rule or something else blocking. – HTTP500 Feb 13 '12 at 17:03

2 Answers2


Solr will run without Tomcat. If you check out the tutorial on the website their demo instance runs on Jetty.

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We got solr with tomcat to work. The docs say use port 8080, but in fact the app server is listening on a different port. I think it was 8088. The docs actually give you both ports. It was confusing to me. You can use the following command to tell you what port you need: % sudo lsof | grep tomcat | grep TCP

You'll see which ports tomcat is listening on. If it doesn't help, the tomcat output is very chatty; printing to stderr when you start solr. Maybe you could paste the last 20-30 lines form that output here?

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