Questions tagged [solr]

Solr is an open source enterprise search platform from the Apache Lucene project, written in Java.

190 questions
1 answer

Upstart restart command doesn't load new updated job config (solr)

Here my upstart config for solr which is located under /etc/init/solr.conf # /etc/init/solr.conf description "Starts Solr server" respawn start on startup solr_push script echo "Starting solr server..." cd…
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Tomcat Solr Memory Usage

I am running solr on tomcat server on linux server, when I use the top command I see the "VIRT" very high PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 4786 root 20 0 19.6g 3.8g 10m S 200 15.9 8:26.13 java 1808…
1 answer

How to monitor SOLR

We have SOLR running on a windows platform in our development environment, and on a Linq platform for production. We would like to monitor the SOLR index. We currently have Microsoft MOM (I think this has been renamed in the new version?) for…
Rihan Meij
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How to Install Apache Solr / Java on CentOS?

I've seen only one or two tutorials for installing Solr, and particularly Java, on a CentOS machine, and they seem to be overly complex; heck, I can't quite figure out which version of Java (it seems there are many) to install... I'm not a full time…
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Zookeeper node is not able to load database on production server anymore

I am running a zookeeper ensemble of 3 on three different ubuntu 14.04 nodes. The setup used to work OK, but now I noticed the zk1 is not operational. It does also not restart: :/home/www$ sudo /etc/init.d/zookeeper status * zookeeper is not…
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Loadbalancing and HA with SolrCloud?

I have a LAMP Application running with solr 3.x on one server for several years now. Now I am migrating due to heavy load to a setup with two dedicated machines where all services are loadbalanced via 2 keepalived HAProxy Servers. The only thing…
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Lucene Solr - Multi Core vs Multiple Instance for Different Schema Documents

I have performance concerns and wanted suggestions which work best for Multi Core or Multi Instance(with different port)? My Case First: Currently I am running Solr with multiple cores and its running OK. There is only one issue that sometime it…
Adarsh Rajput
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3 answers

Make Solr server accessible on network

So I've installed Solr on a linux server and I want to access it from another web server and/or my computer. From the Solar Server, I can see that it's running [root@solr ~]# wget -qO- http://localhost:8983/solr
Steve Robbins
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2 answers

Is there an IMAP server that supports searching emails using elasticsearch or solr?

What I am wondering is if there is an IMAP server available that supports the IMAP SEARCH command (, and is fast. I have had a look around at ways that this can be done, including using DBMail to…
2 answers

Securing Apache Solr in production

I am setting up Apache Solr 4.1 that will be used to index data for a web app. Only the web app should have access to the Solr. Users and other clients will not talk directly to Solr. What are some of the best practices to secure this type of Solr…
Saqib Ali
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1 answer

SolrCore initialization failures

When I visit the dashboard it tells me: SolrCore initialization failures The only warning line in /var/log/tomcat6/catalina.out is: WARNING: New index directory detected: old=null new=/var/solr/data/index/ How can I solve this?
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3 answers

Simple full-text search server

I have been looking at search solutions like Sphinx, Solr and Elasticsearch but they are all way too complex for what I need. I'm basically looking for a server software, best distributed, that allows me to just throw in chunks of text associated…
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What is the proper iptables configuration for Apache Solr on CentOS?

I know for a fact that iptables running is causing my instance of Apache Solr to be inaccessible. How do I know this? Because I ran: /sbin/service iptables save && /sbin/service iptables stop Once I did this, everything worked flawlessly. I would…
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How to determine when SOLR starts an index build

So on day 2 of NewJob I've inherited a slight issue with SOLR. The DB team has a number of servers upon which they generate SOLR indexes. The servers aren't beefy enough to run multiple indexes at the same time (mostly since the datasets are…
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1 answer

Best location for Solr index files

I'm trying to setup properly Solr under a debian machine. It's working ok but the I'm not sure where's the best location for the index files. Currently they are inside the application's folder but I don't really like this approach. I was thinking…
Nikos D.
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