Questions tagged [solr]

Solr is an open source enterprise search platform from the Apache Lucene project, written in Java.

190 questions
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How to change the default password in Solr?

I have a Solr server with Ubuntu 20.04 I followed the doumentation, but I cannot change the default password. How can I do this ? ubuntu@www-example-com ~ $ $ curl --user solr:SolrRocks http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/authentication -H…
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Solr Docker Hosting Best Practice - How to - Need suggestion

I need to host Solr server with many cores for few clients. Currently I am hosting it externally, on third party hosting provider. So i don't have to manage this. However, I am now planning to host it ourselves and considering to use Docker on…
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Why is the max heap much smaller than the value I set in Xmx (with -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:+UseParallelOldGC)

I am running a SolrCloud on k8s with the following setting: Heap params: -server -Xms280m -Xmx312m Other params: -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:+UseParallelOldGC -XX:+UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4 -XX:AdaptiveSizePolicyOutputInterval=1…
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Server - should I add memory?

We have a few servers on Google Cloud Platform. I enabled Google stackdriver and it looks like our Solr servers are consistently at 70%+ memory utilization. We can increase the memory if it is likely to speed up queries (our Solr queries are taking…
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How to install Solr 4.x on Tomcat via Puppet?

So far I've been using the following recipe for installing Solr 3.x on Tomcat 6: package { 'openjdk-6-jdk' : ensure => installed, } package { 'solr-tomcat' : ensure => installed, } exec { 'tomcat-port': command => "sed -i.bak…
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Apache solr is not accessible by my server but accessible by my localhost

I have a solr installed in my server(centos 6.5).and everything works fine and my conf files exist where they should be. I try to connect to solr by help of search_api_solr module in drupal. Everything works fine on my localhost and one other host I…
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Solr process gets killed immediately after starting

I just downloaded solr 4.8.0 from the apache website to my ubuntu 12.04, 64 Bit, 3GB ram VPS server and extracted it. Then I installed the openjdk-7-jre using this command: sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre when I tried to start solr using the…
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FTP mount crash when crawling with solrj

I have a lots of files in my FTP account. I use the curlftpfs to mount them to folder and then start to index them with solrj API, but after a minutes pass something strange happens and the mounted folder is not accessible and crashes. Also, I can…
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solr is killing my server by taking a lot of resources

I have Ubuntu 9.10 server with 12G Ram/Quad Core/HD 80GB RAID. and i have installed solr lucidworks-enterprise-installer-1.7 on it to index a small database (about 20k articles). once our editors start to use solr functionalities to search for a…
Alaa Alomari
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Apache Solr in openshift redhat application

I have a drupal application on openshift redhat server and I would like to install apache solr for my search_api_solr module. Any ideas how to do this ?
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