Questions tagged [plone]

Plone is a very powerful and easy to use CMS built on top of Python and Zope.

Plone is among the top 2% of all open source projects worldwide, with 340 core developers and more than 300 solution providers in 57 countries. The project has been actively developed since 2001, is available in more than 40 languages, and has the best security track record of any major CMS. It is owned by the Plone Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, and is available for all major operating systems.

29 questions
2 answers

Apache cache serving partial content 206 responses to requests for the full content

We're running Plone 3.3.6 behind Apache 2.2.19 with mod_cache. We've recently noticed that Apache is caching the 206 response to a range request and then serving that partial response when a request for the full resource is made. What seems to…
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2 answers

Allow all users of a group to start and stop zope using supervisorctl

I'm just making some changes to the way we run Zope following a recent security advisory. In the advisory it says: “Make sure that the Zope/Plone service is running with with minimum privileges. Ideally, the Zope and ZEO services should be able…
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1 answer

Plone / Zope / ZEO on SSD - Recommendations

I'm evaluating a new server for our Plone / Zope Installation (3.2GB Data.fs and 7.4GB blobstorage). The installation serves mostly authenticated requests and has lots of edits (Intranet and eLearning environment). I'm thinking about running the…
Gaudenz Steinlin
1 answer

Plone ERROR ZServer uncaptured python exception

Afternoon, I'm running Plone 2.5.3 on SLES 10. With a separate Apache server ( using mod rewrite to access Plone. Recently been experiencing slow performance loading pages. When I checked the ZOPE events.log there are lots…
Nathan Friend
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1 answer

Best practices to increase performance of Plone sites behind Apache

I have a small number of Plone sites running in virtual hosts of an Apache 2.4 server. I have the strong feeling that the performance could be much better. Let's assume a pretty basic setup for a Plone site: ServerAdmin…
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1 answer

Varnish does not purge my requests sent by Plone

I have varnish 3.0.5 up and running, connecting to a Plone 4 backend. My requests are cached, but not purged reliably, actually only after expiration of the ttl. is the addon, which sends a purge request, every time an object is…
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0 answers

How to safely upgrade the version of libxml2 on our server

We currently libxml2 2.7.7 installed on our servers. This is a dependency of lxml which we use on two difference clusters of Zope instances runing our 2 Plone CMS applications. We'd like to upgrade to libxml2 2.7.8 but I'm unclear of what steps…
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3 answers

Extracting zope data.fs

I had a zope/plone site where I stored pictures and videos from several users, but I want to move the content to another site now. What is the easiest way to extract content of Zope's data.fs? I heard there were python modules for this but I want to…
Atilla Filiz
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1 answer

Trouble with stxnext.staticdeployment in plone 3.3.5

I'm having trouble in installing stxnext.staticdeployment in Plone 3.3.5 on an (outdated) Suse Linux server. My steps: clean install of Plone 3.3.5 from the unified unix installer adding stxnext.staticdeployment to eggs and zcml section as per…
Stefano M
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1 answer

moving plone or recovering data

I had a simple plone site running on my Ubuntu 8.10 box, setup by following instructions on Now the computer got an Ubuntu 9.04 install from scratch, and I want to get the site up and running. As…
Atilla Filiz
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1 answer

I am confused by two plone instances on one linux server

I have one plone instance in directory A. Then I copied the instance to directory B. Today I find that the running plone located in B even I run "sudo ./bin/plonectl start" in A. I have two problem to resolve: How could I start plone instance in A…
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0 answers

Error running Solr

I'm trying to install Apache Solr for Plone, via collective.solr. I've followed the instructions above, and extended my buildout with: [buildout] extends = buildout.cfg …
Jon Hadley
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0 answers

Number of established connections between Apache and Plone keeps increasing

We're running Plone 4.1, Zope 2.13 behind Apache with mod_proxy_balancer. We have 2 zope instances running 2 threads each. We're seeing a number of connections between Zope and Apache being ESTABLISHED but never released (or at least they're…
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3 answers

Varnish as a simple forwarding web server

I have a low load website having on the average 1000 visitors per day. It is roughly estimated to reach to 10,000 (or even 20K) users on daily basis in 6 months or so. But I still consider that to be a low traffic CMS web site. Everything is hosted…
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1 answer

Plone pas.plugins.ldap and SAMBA 4

I am currently trying to authenticate a plone instance against Univention Corporate Server (Samba 4). The plugin pas.plugins.ldap is in buildout and added to the site. If I try to set the UCS Master as LDAP-Server I get: ERROR: Server Down Plone is…