Questions tagged [solr]

Solr is an open source enterprise search platform from the Apache Lucene project, written in Java.

190 questions
2 answers

Solr performance (tomcat) - High load

I'm relatively new to solr. I have a production site running on a VPS, but now I'm having serious load issues. I don't know where to start in order to get the load down... VPS specs ( 512) 512 MB RAM 4 CPU (1x priority) Looks like my…
Ward Loockx
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1 answer

Munin plugins for Apache Solr 4.0+?

We have just started using Apache Solr 4.0.0 on Linux on a internal project, after having deployed Solr 1.4.1 and then 3.5.0 for a few years now. From my searches, it would seem that most people are still using 3.x. In fact, all the munin plugins I…
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2 answers

How do I properly implement Apache Solr in a clustered Magento environment?

I'm currently working with a Magento Enterprise 1.12 installation running on a pair of clustered Apache web servers. Both of my web servers draw from their own databases on separate servers which are clustered in a Master-Master MySQL…
1 answer

Solr, sort same weigthing results alphebetically

I'm working in a project that uses Drupal Solr module and I'm facing a problem plus I'm a complete rookie on Solr config. The issue is that same weigthing results does not appear ordered alphabetically. Is that possible? What sould I…
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1 answer

How to determine if PHP-to-Solr connection is slow?

Hi have a LAMP stack connecting to a Solr 3.6.1 server running on CentOS 6.3. While benchmarking my app, I noticed sudden spikes in the time taken for PHP to send a search query to Solr and getting the results back. This time is usually about 20-40…
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2 answers

Error starting Solr in Tomcat

I just installed Tomcat6, and now I am trying to install Solr 3.6.1. I copied the .war file and the example solr directory. cd apache-solr-3.6.1/dist cp apache-solr-3.6.1.war /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps/solr.war cp -r…
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1 answer

SolrCloud setup with tomcat

I've been looking around for setup guides of solrCloud with tomcat. All the available documentation for solrCloud explains how to set it up with Jetty. I'm not sure moving to jetty from tomcat would be a great idea for production. We already have a…
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1 answer

New to Solr: Response to query includes document contents

I am relatively new to Solr, and have managed to index PDF documents. But when I query solr I get responses including the the document contents. Is there a way to control what will be in the response? How do i do that, if possible? Any help…
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2 answers

Alternatives to solr

We have 150GB solr db, and it's not terribly fast, even with a lot of hardware and optimization effort thrown at it. Are any alternatives likely to be significantly faster?
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1 answer

404 Error on Apache Solr install - CentOS 6 and Tomcat6

I've tried various tutorials and I get a 404 error when I finally navigate to host:port/solr on my CentOS machine. Can anyone tell me why I would get a 404? Once I find a solution I'll make this the official tutorial on how to install Apache Solr on…
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1 answer

Monitor Solr statistics with collectd

We use collectd to collect most of our statistics about our servers and services running on them. Right now we are trying to get a unified monitoring system up with the same front end for all our statistics. So far all I've found about monitoring…
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1 answer

solr core reload without an tomcat restart

I want to really often the synonyms_*.txt in the solr server. I have 2 cores. One for the production System and one the staging. I copy with incron and scp the new generated synonymes to the solr server and restart the tomcat to reload it. But it…
Dennis Wisnia
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1 answer

Solr connection refused error after java update on Mac OS X Lion

I recently updated Java for Mac OS X 10.7-Update 1. After that I recognized that in my local development application under Rails 3.0.10 with sunspot/solr the solr-server starts correctly 0:03.80 /usr/bin/java…
1 answer

I lost my password on lucidworks 1.7

I have installed lucidworks-enterprise-installer-1.7 on my ubuntu server at /etc/solr it is working fine. but when i go to http://XXX.YY.ZZZ.VV:8989/login i can't login using the default username/password (admin/admin)... it seems i have changed…
Alaa Alomari
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1 answer

Ideas for a technical hands-on exam

I need to come up with a technical hands-on exam for a new sysadmin position in our company as part of our recruitment process. I'm looking for ideas to make an interesting exam to both check the candidates' technical aptitude but also make the job…
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