Questions tagged [lucene]

15 questions
1 answer

Elasticsearch is using way too much disk space

I have a CentOS 6.5 server on which I installed Elasticsearch 1.3.2. My elasticsearch.yml configuration file is a minimal modification of the one shipping with elasticsearch as a default. Once stripped of all commented lines, it looks…
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What is the best file system (used by an Amazon EBS volume) for a lucene index?

I want to create an ebs volume (Amazon EC2 cloud computing) to store my lucene index. What is the best file system to use (when using the command mkfs -t ?) ? I know xfs is often used for mysql but is it the case for lucene index ? thanks.
Jerome C.
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2 answers

What is the purpose of elasticsearch logs? How to manage them?

As I understand indexes(or data) are being stored in /var/lib/elasticsearch by default, this folder contains nodes with 0 and 1 folders and overall size of these folders is 376M. The logs are being stored in /var/log/elasticsearch -rw-r--r-- 1…
1 answer

Lucene Solr - Multi Core vs Multiple Instance for Different Schema Documents

I have performance concerns and wanted suggestions which work best for Multi Core or Multi Instance(with different port)? My Case First: Currently I am running Solr with multiple cores and its running OK. There is only one issue that sometime it…
Adarsh Rajput
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ownCloud 6 Upgrade -- Lucene

I've upgraded ownCloud to 6 (just release) on a CentOS 6.4 (x86_64) server via yum update (no other changes) and the upgrade has failed with this in the owncloud.log file: Has anyone got a fix for this? I've…
0 answers

Solr on a two node Jboss cluster

Are there any issues with deploying Solr on two node jboss cluster with the index shared on a NFS mount point? We would like to do this for high-availability across data centers.
Saqib Ali
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MediaWiki SearchEngine that behaves like google

searchterm: foo should match foo and foobar searchterm: "foo" should only match foo I tried LuceneSearch and SphinxSearch so far, but I couldn't get any of these to behave like google. foo will only match foo, and foo* will match foo and foobar.
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Can I run a site search like Lucene on a single 2 gig server that's also a web & mysql server

My site's pages have exceeded the limit of pages for Google Custom Search so many of the results are not found in our site search. I've been reading about Lucene, Nutch, Solr, etc and I'm wondering if I'd have the requirements for running those on a…
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Elasticsearch does not start on Ubuntu 14.04, possible error with lucene dependency

I have tried installing the elasticsearch package using apt on Ubuntu 14.04, but when I run sudo service elasticsearch status, I get the following output: * elasticsearch is not running I tried running sudo service elasticsearch start, and it…
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Storing Solr indexes on a NFS mount

Are there are any performance considerations / drawbacks of storing Solr index files on a NFS mount?
Saqib Ali
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Which apt-get package of java do I install if I want to use elasticsearch?

sudo apt-get install XXX? What java package should I install?
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Installing Apache Lucene for LAMP server

I have Ubuntu running for LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) server. To provide better search capability one of my friend recommended to install "Apache Lucene". While reading about it I came to know that "Apache Lucene" required tomcat and java…
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2 answers

Alternatives to solr

We have 150GB solr db, and it's not terribly fast, even with a lot of hardware and optimization effort thrown at it. Are any alternatives likely to be significantly faster?
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Where does the IBM OmniFind Yahoo! search engine cache Domain-IP resolutions?

We are using Omnifind on Windows 2008 Server for site search, and after one website has migrated to another server - same domain, another IP (DNS update has been more than 24 hours ago, Omnifind server knows new IP) -, Omnifind keeps searching the…
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1 answer

System Requirements of Lucene.NET

Can anyone with experience of implmementing / running a Lucene.NET solution recommend rough system specifications for a live environment. Is it processor, memory or disk intensive. Does it only use a single processor, so having a box with…