I have installed lucidworks-enterprise-installer-1.7 on my ubuntu server at /etc/solr it is working fine. but when i go to


i can't login using the default username/password (admin/admin)... it seems i have changed it although i dont remember that i did so.
i have done this: vim /etc/solr/conf/lwe-core/users.yml and the content was as below!! i couldn't be able to change it :(

!!com.lucid.admin.users.User {createDate: &id001 !!timestamp '2011-08-01T08:19:57.744Z',
  email: alaa@mydomain.com, firstName: Alaa, id: -1, lastModified: *id001, lastName: Alomari,
  password: $2a$10$FIskfU9M8Z4.62.VAx2Xl.Q4/Hkbq0XTCNBmDxT1P1jMfGisQGDMC, username: admin}

if anybody knows how to reset the password, please guide me

Alaa Alomari
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1 Answers1


The hash in the password field looks like a crypt-entry to me.

Try to run the following command

perl -e 'print crypt("mynewpassword", "\$1\$mynewsalt"), "\n";'

And replace the contents of the password field with the new content.

Remember to back up the old file first.

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