Questions tagged [session]

269 questions
1 answer

Varnish doesn't work with session on PHP

I have got varnish installed on my server. I have a page on my site which i would like to get cached via Varnish. With fresh varnish installation, I created a PHP page with some content in it. loaded the page. Varnish worked fine. But as I added…
2 answers

How can I speed up PowerShell cmdlets that are using the -CimSession parameter?

As the title says, how could someone speed up the execution of this tiny script? Am I using the New-CimSession that right way anyway? $computers = Get-ADComputer -SearchBase "OU=W2012,OU=Servers,DC=contoso,DC=com" -Filter * foreach ($computer in…
Matthias Güntert
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Huge quantity of session files

I have: CPU: 2 x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v2 @ 2.60GHz (2600.06-MHz K8-class CPU) 128 GB RAM FreeBSD OS session files stored in RAM each session file is 1...10 kb gc_maxlifetime = 1440 quantity of session files is: 21000 (100M RAM) when I…
1 answer

BIND session key

When I restart or start my BIND DNS server, I'm getting the following in the /var/log/messages log file. Jan 26 07:50:30 dev named[306]: could not create /jail/bind-9.9.4-P2/var/run/named/session.key Jan 26 07:50:30 dev named[306]: failed to…
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4 answers

AWS EC2 PHP session_start with permission denied

I have an strange issue related with PHP an the session save path. I have configured in my php.ini the session.save_path = "/tmp", and I know that is correctly configured since in the server I could type the following command and the command result…
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Set RDS Default Printer By Session/Client

We have a Multipoint 2012 server running RDS for dumb terminals set up throughout our facility. Clients are named by their location. Each location uses its own printer. Due to the fact that there are more clients than users, we will have a user…
Pratt Hinds
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1 answer

Definitions of Active, Idle, and Disconnected Sessions in regards to Active Directory

We have a couple of users that continue to get locked out. Currently sessions never end unless a user actually locked out (from my understanding). What are the "definitions" of the different session types? I'm actually only really curious about…
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Active Sessions Performance Counter for Web Server

I would like to monitor the number of active sessions for my ASP.Net 4.0. It is hosted on IIS7 Windows 2008 Server. When I looked at the Performance counter, I saw many instances. How could I know which instance is the application instance I want…
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How to store php sessions using memcached and unix socket

I am running Arch linux with systemd, nginx, and php with php-fpm. I am trying (and failing) to configure memcached to store sessions using a unix socket. I have memcached installed and active, however, I am unable to disable networking. I added…
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IIS 7 and ASP.NET State Service Configuration

We have 2 web servers load balanced and we wanted to get away from sticky sessions for obvious reasons. Our attempted approach is to use the ASP.NET State service on one of the boxes to store the session state for both. I realize that it's best to…
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2 answers

How to update my Web site without interfering with the currently active users?

I have a Web site (IIS, Windows Server 2008) where users are constantly adding information to their pages. How can I know that there currently are users working on my site? How can I update the site without interfering with the users's activities?
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How can I reconstruct session from pcap file?

I am trying to extract session level (flow level) information from my pcap trace file. I want to generate the following data for each line of session (flow): Flow_num, IP_Src, IP_Dst, Flow_start_time, Flow_Duration, Flow_type…
1 answer

Is there a good reason to change session.save_path?

On shared hosting, we had occasional problems when the server's /tmp directory was full. Our hosting company suggested we change the session save path to be unique for each site. ini_set('session.save_path', DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/_SESSIONS/'); Yes,…
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What could be cause of ASP.NET State Server timeout?

I recently migrated an app from SQL Server backed sessions to the ASP.NET State Server. About once a week there is a brief failure of ASP.NET to connect to the state server. These last from 20 seconds to 2 minutes. Unable to make the session state…
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2 answers

freeze and thaw tmux and/or terminal sessions?

I would like to be able to freeze and thaw tmux sessions. That is, to take a complex set of session state, persist it, and bring it back from some persistent store later. Essentially, git stash for terminal session state. Does anybody know of a way…
David Watson
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