Questions tagged [session]

269 questions
1 answer

RDS 2016 session limits

We have a single RDS (W2K16) which hosts all roles (Broker, Gateway, Session host). On the collection settings, we specified all session limits as "never". Still all users are logged off 6 hours after their session got disconnected (found this in…
0 answers

Set "rdp-tcp#0 Administrator" permanently to Session 1

Steps to reproduce: - Login to a Windows 2008 R2 via RDP - Open a "Command Prompt" - Type: qwinsta - Get: SESSIONNAME USERNAME ID STATE TYPE DEVICE services 0 Disc …
Dirk Schiller
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php that is not from my ini file

I have set up a custom php.ini for a dev site (the production site will eventually be on the same server) - it sets the path to a directory specific to the site. You can see the result at (will…
Richard Grevers
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Changing session.save_path in php.ini not working

Fedora 25 + PHP 7 + Apache 2.4.23 Hello, after I change session.save_path in php.ini and restart apache, I can successfully verify that it's modified with: $ php -i | grep session.save_path However, in the html/php pages themselves, the sessions are…
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Tomcat session replication issue

TL;DR - The node name in the sessionId is not being updated to the current node name in the backup when the primary goes down. Tomcat version - apache-tomcat-7.0.50 I have two nodes (2 instances of my application in 2 seperate tomcats) set up, with…
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Ending Session when user disconnects from RDP Server Windows 2008

I'd like to start by saying that I am by no means a server administrator of any kind. Basically I know the most about computers so now I get to figure this out. Our company has a RDP server that 5 users connect to remotely. It is not a Domain…
That Guy
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OpenVPN force maximum session length

Server: OpenVPN 2.3.8 on Ubuntu 14.04 How do I force a session to disconnect after a set time? I want VPN sessions to last no longer than 24 hours. Currently, clients appear to be able to stay connected indefinitely. I've looked at the --inactive…
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.htaccess Lost SESSION after header redirect using mod_rewrite [L, QSA] with started session

PHP version 5.4.41 Apache version 2.2.15 Linux version 2.6.32 CentOS 6.6 I have some code that won't redirect properly. There is a lot of code and configuration, so I'm going to try and keep it as simple as possible. My session is continuously…
Kevin Nabity
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2 answers

Is it really possible to use PHP sessions for authentication with nginx fastcgi cache?

I have recently switched an opencart instance from Apache+mod_php to nginx+fastcgi+php-fpm. I have been trying to leverage caching for most pages through fastcgi-cache. Unfortunately, many users began reporting ghost orders or taking over others…
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Remotely determine how long a user has been idle

How do I determine how long it's been since a user with files opened on my server has been actively using their workstation in a Windows Active Directory environment (XP, 7, 8 clients and Server 2008, 2012)? Before rebooting the file server I check…
I say Reinstate Monica
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Apache httpd mod_rewrite with Tomcat resulting in lost JSESSIONID

I'm working on a Java web application, for which I recently implemented an authentication module that relies on the JSESSIONID cookie to identify users. I was testing on a local tomcat from eclipse and everything worked fine... Until I deployed the…
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1 answer

Run program on "Reconnect Session"

I just implemented BackInfo on our servers, deployed via GPO. Everything is working as intended while users and administrators log on and off. Problems arise when a user disconnects and reconnects an RDP session. I don't know if it's BackInfo that…
Simon L
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2 answers

postfix deliveries per connection

hope you can assist me in this case. I am administrating an Postfix server which is used for newsletters. Recently one of the major recipient domains changed their policies to only accept one email per smtp session/connection. To adhere to their…
Steffen Nielsen
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1 answer

apache mod_proxy, page reload and sessions

I use the apache "mod_proxy" to forward all requests to the glassfish server. The relevant apache config is: # proxy to glassfish app ProxyRequests Off ProxyPreserveHost On Order deny,allow Allow from all
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3 answers

Load balancing: Nginx, Varnish and HTTP sessions

I have to setup a load balancing system. At the moment I have two machines running Nginx 0.8.52, PHP-FPM (on unix socket) and an application based on PHP Symfony 1.4.11. On a third machine, I have to choose a which balancer to install. I've already…
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