Questions tagged [session]

269 questions
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How to start a VNC viewer to display all previously saved VNC viewer desktops (that are now destroyed)?

Problem: My current VNC viewer (let say VNC viewer 'A') resides on a machine (let say machine 'A') that need to be killed because our IT department need to rebuild the machine 'A'. I have a lot of xterms, GVIM windows opened in this current VNC…
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Remote Desktop - Does leaving a session open slow down the server?

Like many other development teams, we don't do a good job of signing out after an RDP session. I am trying to convince the team that it's important to use the "Sign Out" feature to close the session. It's my understanding that "Disconnect" or…
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Issue with HAProxy and SSL/TLS handshake by webserver for different subdomains in same browser session

We have a firewall with a HAProxy (pfSense) and multiple webservers. Every webserver is configured with HTTPS. The HAProxy frontend rules are defined with Server Name Indication TLS extension matches and the webservers are defined as backends (all…
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Clustering/Session Replication tomcat 9 two different machine

I'm trying to configure Session Replication on two tomcats on separate EC2 (AWS) instances. I can't find any example on internet of such configuration. I've prepared configuration in accordance with this documentation: cluster-howto tomcat…
Kacper Cichecki
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Nginx uniq session and clear cookie

Im using nginx to redirect my API code and apache guacamole. i have an issue that i need to use multiuser connection but if im logged in to Auser and i try to connect to Buser ( same browser) it try to reconnect to Auser even if the URL is complitly…
Batchen Regev
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My PHP session variables are destroyed when form doesn't submit for 20+ mins

On our lab's laptop with Linux Mint we installed Apache server. It's sole purpose is to run our chemical script INDEX.PHP. Everything runs smoothly but there is one problem. If we don't submit from the script's form for 20 mins or more then the…
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Empty LAMP Sessions

I have a LAMP server. Users log in and authenticate against the MySQL database. After successful authentication, session_start() is called. At no point is regenerate_session_id() called. I'm experiencing multiple empty PHP/apache sessions being…
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How to protect php script, run by cron

I have php file that generates my sitemap.xml file according to DB. I have a cron job that run this php script every month. How can I protect the php file, so only cron can run it, or certified user? (I guess I cannot add login script, and session…
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How does a load-balancer manages end user http sessions?

I would like to know, How HttpSession works on Load balancer? How Load balancer knows for the particular request need to send the respective Web Server? Here's what I would guess: 1. load-balancer works based on user's region like county, state. …
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Server 2008 R2 - Script to kill idle sessions over

Looking for a script that can end idle session shares on a Server 2008 R2. If sessions are left open for too long there are programs that fail to update due to files/folders being open. I am looking to run a script that will close idle sessions…
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Win 2003 Shared Folder

We have shared one folder on win2003 server and allowed everyone to access it but only 8-9 users are allowed to map drive the shared folder. The next is connected once I disconnect the one of the sessions. Pls advise.
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Usr home is not exist

I am using centos os. I could not activated some wordpress plugin becuause of session.save_path error. on /usr/ directory these folders exist; bin games kerberos lib64 local share tmp etc include lib libexec sbin src But I must…
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PHP Session issue for AddOn domain

I have installed cPanel (EasyApache) for a domain ( Later i have added a new add on domain (, but when i am starting php session for it is setting domain1.con cookie in chrome network response. set-cookie:…
Shubham Panchal
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Update Application on Shared Folder

I am trying to find a good way to implement updating an application on a shared folder. If there is an update to the program I need to uninstall and reinstall the program on the shared folder. What is the best way to go about this in order to…
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