Questions tagged [state-server]

6 questions
1 answer

IIS 7 and ASP.NET State Service Configuration

We have 2 web servers load balanced and we wanted to get away from sticky sessions for obvious reasons. Our attempted approach is to use the ASP.NET State service on one of the boxes to store the session state for both. I realize that it's best to…
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What could be cause of ASP.NET State Server timeout?

I recently migrated an app from SQL Server backed sessions to the ASP.NET State Server. About once a week there is a brief failure of ASP.NET to connect to the state server. These last from 20 seconds to 2 minutes. Unable to make the session state…
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Error when configuring session state server

We are trying to setup session state server. When we do, we get the following error: Message: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time,…
Shiraz Bhaiji
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0 answers

Using both IIS6 and IIS7 with the same SQL State Server

We are trying to use new IIS7 (32bit, Classic Mode) webs in addition to our IIS6 webs with one SQL State Server for ASP.NET Session Handling. Unfortunately the number of transactions per seconds in the State Servers spikes (10 times+) as soon as we…
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1 answer

Just one server fails to read from stateserver

Two servers works with state server correctly. But the new third server fails to read values, stored by 1st or 2nd servers. MachineKeys are the same. Application Path the same. What else could cause such behavior? Windows2003 & iis6 on each…
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1 answer

Need help getting StateServer to work, trying to decipher WireShark to figure out why

I'm using WireShark to try to figure out why I can't get my ASP.NET application (which is deployed to IIS6) to use a remote ASP.NET StateServer. For the record, StateServer works if my application is deployed to the same machine as the…
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