Questions tagged [tmux]

59 questions
1 answer

Run command in detached tmux session

This is probably simple, but I really can't find out how you do it. I have read the man pages and googled without results. Problem: How do I run a command in a detached tmux window? Example: I want my detached window 'foo' to run 'ls', but I want to…
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2 answers

tmux won't run as non root user?

If I run tmux as root, it runs normally and fully functional. I created a couple users, and it will not run as any of the users. create session failed: : No such file or directory I checked the outside $TERM is xterm and inside $TERM is screen as…
bumbling fool
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2 answers

Why does tmux bind externally accessible ports?

I am performing a quick audit of services listening on external interfaces on a Ubuntu 14.04 machine, and tmux is binding TCP *:50994 and *:59147 as reported by netstat -l. I can connect to this port from another computer on the network (barring any…
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9 answers

Tmux new-session returns: "can't create socket"

I have killed a byobu session accidentally (kill -9 byobuSessionId), and now when I try to start another byobu command fails with "can't create socket". Also tmux new-session returns: "can't create socket" I have tried sudo service screen-cleanup…
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How do you get TERM=screen-256color on CentOS 5.7?

CentOS 6.0 comes with the ability to set its TERM to screen-256color. It doesn't work in CentOS 5.7, though. How can you get CentOS 5.7 to support screen-256color?
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Tmux send-keys stripping space

I'm trying to run a series of commands in tmux from a remote file like so: tmux $(wget -qO- The file contains commands like split-window and send-keys The problem is, send-keys is stripping spaces. The send-keys commands…
Andrei Serdeliuc
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4 answers

GNU Screen and Tmux: tips and tricks

So I am a big fan of the multiplexers like GNU Screen and Tmux, but even using Screen for years now I still recognize that there are many things there I don't know (and I only use Tmux for a couple of months so its worse). What configs and tips and…
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Does tmux have all the features that screen has? And those screen is missing?

I'm considering switching from screen to tmux, but I've invested lots of time developing an extensive .screenrc, and I don't want to find after many hours of porting it to tmux that tmux can't do something that is important to me. I've looked at…
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4 answers

Linux: Connect to another a terminal session

I can use screen or tmux to connect to other terminal sessions, or to share them. But this work only when we first know we will use them. As root can access everything, is there a way to do the same thing without running screen ? Some pipes through…
Bertrand SCHITS
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4 answers

How to fix a tmux session messed up by control characters

Every once in awhile, I'll accidentally blast some control codes into my terminal session (either errant coding or accidentally gpg --export). This sometimes causes my tmux session to loose it's formatting and print control characters into the…
Server Fault
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1 answer

Send tmux command from remote inside ssh session to local instance

The goal is to send tmux command to the local running tmux from the remote server. not to run to different instances of tmux. Inside tmux we ssh to a server that doesn't run tmux local>tmux send-key C-p # works local>ssh user@remote user@remote>…
Nabil Sham
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1 answer

How to start a tmux within bash right after reboot

I have created a script to run upon reboot of an Ubuntu instance. crontab -e Then added this to the script: @reboot /home/ubuntu/ This is how the script looks like: #!/bin/bash tmux new-session -d -s my_server tmux send-keys -t…
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4 answers

tmux attach to existing sessions or create new ones

I am looking for a ssh / tmux solution that would act like this: if there is no session, create one if there is a session and nobody is connected to it, create another one Mainly I want to be able to create new sessions to the same server,…
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Tmux and encryptfs causing "(unreachable)" directories upon reconnect

I'm running an Ubuntu 13.04 server with an encrypted home directory (encryptfs). I keep a tmux session open which holds my development environment (vim, etc). When I disconnect, I'll detach the tmux session and then disconnect the ssh connection.…
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1 answer

Automate Byobu window creation

I use Byobu on a Vagrant dev machine to run multiple things in one screen and to be able to suspend/restore the machine and continue where I left off the other day. There are times when I have to recreate the machine and setting up 8+ Byobu windows…
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