Questions tagged [safe-remove]

15 questions
5 answers

How to unmount a VHD in Windows 7. There is no unmount option

I mounted a VHD file in Windows 7 using the Disk Manager. Once mounted, there is no option to Unmount it. The only thing close to such an option that I can find is if I click the icon in the taskbar notification area that I use to remove USB…
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How do you know who or what is locking a removable disk?

I was reading that question How do you know who or what is locking a remote file? and I remember that question... even in Windows7, the Windows doesn't show that program is locking the removable disk, so we cannot safely remove the hardware. There…
Click Ok
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NTFS formatted removable storage, safely remove / unmount via command line?

We've just setup some removable storage for a file server we run in one of our offices (only supporting less than 10 work stations), one of our backup solutions is a removable harddrive that will leave the premise each night, at the same time…
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Remove two physical drives from raid 5 array (4 disks)

I'm using a G6 hp server with 4 physical drives and p410 raid controller. I set up raid5 array with 3 physical drives,but one of them has been failed and becouse of this, I am in the Interim recovery mode now. recently, I added the last disk (by…
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Completely delete confidential files and folders

I'm going to switch to a new VPS and I want to completely delete some confidential files/folders from the current VPS (and MySQL content too). The server is running CENTOS 6. Btw, it's not rm -rf. I want to remove files/folders without recovery…
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rsync remove-source-files, how does it resume after killed process?

I'm using rsync with remove-source-files option as follows: rsync --remove-source-files -arzvv --append /src /dst But for some reason it fails( broken connection or OS kill its process), I would like to know how well it recovers/resume the failure…
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IIS difference: Remove and Deploy -> Delete Site and Content

One can remove a site from IIS by the right mouse menu. However this gives you two options: "Remove" "Deploy -> Delete Web Site and Content" Image: What is the difference?
Ben Z.
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Can I safely delete old user folders in Windows Server 2003?

I have a Windows Server 2003 machine. When I delete a user, their folder remains in the Documents and Settings. Is it safe for me to delete those folders if I don't need any of the data in there? Or will removing them cause other registry or system…
2 answers

"Safely remove hardware"...doesn't

I have an external USB harddisk that I have scripted to safely shut down after a backup, so the backup operator can unplug it, and knows not to if the lights are still on for some reason. It's always worked fine using the DevEject command-line…
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Move raid hard drive to a different server

I have a RAID 1 system for my IBM x3550 m4 that had suddenly failed. (system board problem). While waiting for the technical support from IBM, I really need to get the data from that server so I can transfer it to a temporary server. Since RAID 1 is…
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Windows Server 2008 R2 - proper way to remove failed Domain Controller

Hello i have a case with single model server. Original name of HP server was w8kcdn, the server started generating problems, so i needed to reinstall it. I've setup temporary install on PC with name DC2. I've transferred FSMO sql and ohter…
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3 answers

Windows can't remove hard disk safely

Every week I will copy the backups to external USB hard disk connecting it to windows server 2008 R2. Most of the time I will face the below message while trying to unmount/eject the external hard disk. Acknowledging the prompt I check if any window…
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How to prevent Windows from safely removing hardware?

We have HP laptops with a Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet card. For some reason, it is possible to 'safely remove' the network card from Windows. Obviously this disconnects the machine from the network. Even worse, removing the network cable…
Alex Angas
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How can I configure an USB Stick under Vista so that I can remove it while in-use without data loss?

I've got an USB-stick with my keys and passwords on it and I'd like to remove it from the PC when I leave my desk, but without having to check the filesystem on it every time as it happens if I do it now. Is there any possibility to improve the…
David Schmitt
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how to take applications off of vm for local machine

I have a virtual machine that we are going to do away with, but it has applications on it that we'd like to keep. Is it possible to take those applications off of that vm and place them on my local machine? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks,
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