Questions tagged [usb]

Universal Serial Bus, an industry standard for serial communication.

The Universal Serial Bus is an industry standard for serial communication, defining:

  • connectors
  • protocols
  • cables

Originally developed to have a standard for connecting devices to computers.

More info on and wikipedia.

402 questions
4 answers

How to make Windows 7 USB flash install media from Linux?

I have: ISO image of Windows 7 install media 4 GB USB flash drive no DVD drive Linux installed
Ian Kelling
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3 answers

USB drive not detected in Intel EFI shell

I must update an Intel S3420GPLC board. BIOS, BMC, FRU / SDR, the whole thing. Everything is pretty much automated in the Intel download. You're supposed to boot to the integrated EFI shell, mount the USB disk/key, and launch the startup.nsh script…
Silver Quettier
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6 answers

Re-mount USB device after removal on Windows

From time to time I eject a USB device, generally a memory stick or external HDD, when I think I have finished transferring data only to realise there's something else I need to do with it. Normally this involves nothing more than unplugging the…
John Gardeniers
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4 answers

CentOS /dev/bus/usb structure

On my Ubuntu 12.04 when I plug in usb device, under dev directory tree usb device is added like this: /dev/bus/usb/001/001 On my CentOS 5 added like below: /dev/bus/usb/devices/2-1.4/ lsusb needs usb devices to be created under /dev like first…
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3 answers

Dismount USB External Drive using powershell

I am attempting to dismount an external USB drive using powershell and I cannot successfully do this. The following script is what I use: #get the Win32Volume object representing the volume I wish to eject $drive = Get-WmiObject Win32_Volume…
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5 answers

Kickstart installation from USB -- Kickstart location

After managing to get a Fedora ISO to rebuild successfully (for a USB stick) after adding a kickstart file (, I now have an issue with locating the kickstart file on the USB media. When this is done from a…
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4 answers

Hooking up many different external HDs simultaneously

I need a large amount of external storage for an upcoming project. I'm planning on purchasing 10 2TB external drives. I need them all hooked up to a single machine at the same time. What issues will I run into? I plan on using 2 power strips and…
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5 answers

Can you use a USB hard drive in ESXI?

I know that you can install ESXi 4.0 on a thumbdrive, but I was wondering if you could plug in an external harddrive to give extra storage to one of your VMs? We run a fileserver inside of ESXi that needs a space upgrade, but we're thinking of…
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8 answers

Best file system for external (USB) hard drives/USB memory media

Almost all external USB hard drive and USB memory media/sticks come today preformatted with FAT32. As far as I know the only advantage of the file system is the compatibility among OSes and devices. Is it reasonable to reformat it with exFAT or…
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1 answer

USB floppy key

Does there exist a USB key that acts like a 1.44MB floppy drive? I know there are USB floppy drives and USB flash drives, but if I can find a floppy key, I can finally get rid of the floppy disks entirely. The ideal product would work like those…
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3 answers

Cross platform support for network attached USB hubs?

I am looking at network-attached USB hubs in order to run licensed software in a virtualized environment when hardware dongles are required. Are there any solutions that will work with both Linux and Windows? Most of the dedicated devices -- such…
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3 answers

How to determine USB Version 1.1 or 2.0

I have got a Ubuntu server 9.10 system with a USB storage attached. It works very, very slow. Is there a command to test whether it's 1.1 or 2.0 usb? How can I find out?
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2 answers

rsync from linux host to fat32

i like to backup my linux based NAS (small files like picutres) to an attached USB Disk with FAT32. For this i like to use rsync. I know, that this will not work correct per default. rsync will sync the files again and again. I found this question…
The Bndr
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2 answers

How to get USB Devices to AutoMount in Ubuntu 12.04 Server

In Ubuntu 12.04 Desktop, USB devices can be plugged in, and they just work for the most part. In Ubuntu 12.04 Server, when I plug in a USB device it does nothing. How can I setup server do act like desktop when it comes to adding USB devices such as…
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6 answers

Can you use a USB dongle inside a VMWare ESX Virual Machine?

I need to know if a USB dongle that is required as a license key for a piece of software will accessible from the physical host machine. This will be a small vSphere 4 installation targeting the quick backup and system restore capabilities of…
Keith Sirmons
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