Questions tagged [query]

196 questions
2 answers

How to rewrite query strings in url (\img?src=foo.jpg) into cachable urls (\img-foo.jpg)?

a question that is now partially resolved. A genius who can speak Apache fluently can shine light into this matter... GIVEN: Most proxies, do not cache resources with a "?" in their URL even if a Cache-control: public header is present in the…
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Is there a way to find out the detailed statistics of the querys that processed by Mysql?

The load average of my service is high, always around 15. And the reason for that is the Mysql is overloaded. I'm wondering How Can I find out which specific query/script consume the most Mysql resources? Thanks.
David Liu
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1 answer

Putting indexes in separate filegroup kills our queries

Can anyone shed some light on this? On our dev boxes, our database resides entirely in the PRIMARY filegroup, and everything works fine. On one of our production servers, recently upgraded from 2005 to 2008, we noticed it was performing slower than…
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MySQL stop responsing when modify main tables

It's an InnoDB database. The query cache has 1.2GB in size with 300k queries in the cache. Most of the cached queries are related to 3 major tables (260MB data length plus 600MB index length altogether). Everytime I tried to insert new entry or…
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MySQL server has gone away occasionally on simple select query

For many weeks I have had a problem with a simple SQL query where from time to time the MySQL server has crashed. But recently it is crashing every day, 1-2 times a day. The query is very simple: SELECT ... from table where field = 'some string'…
1 answer

MySQL 5.1 Slow SHOW DATABASES (phpMyAdmin)

We have about 200 databases and since upgrading from 4.1 to 5.1 we've noticed that PHPMyAdmin takes a while to load the left navigation sometimes. Is there anything we can do to make this quicker? Thanks!
Kristopher Ives
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1 answer

SQL Query fields change to uppercase on upload to server

I have just finished developing an app using CodeIgniter. When I upload it to my Host (Hostgator shared) some of the SQL text is converted to uppercase and rendering the app unusable. In my database I have two tables client and transaction. When I…
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Prometheus query to identify active series if a datapoint is sent in the last 15-30mins

I am trying to identify my Prometheus active series if a datapoint is sent in the last 15-30mins. As I understand it, this query prometheus_tsdb_head_series gives me active series if a datapoint is sent in the last 1-3 hours. Can anyone help with…
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GCP- Alert for adding new user or service account to a project

I want to create an alert in my project in GCP that lets me know when a new user or service account is added to the project. I understand I need to use Logs Explorer and run a query but I am not sure what query to run. Thanks!
0 answers

Is there an API to query Windows Update Endpoints

is there any known API to query machine-readable endpoints for Microsoft Services (especially Windows Updates) other than for M365? Reasoning is, that our Firewall is unable to resolve DNS-Names with wildcards as…
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SCCM collection evaluates major version numbers in unexpected way

Why do SCCM collections based upon the logic Installed Applications (64).Version is less than "100.0" not evaluate to true for applications of version 99.* and below? The full WQL query statement is as follows, (linebreaks for legibility) select…
1 answer

AWS Athena Query 2 separate tables together

I have 2 Tables, and i need to query them together, for example. From the first table i get results with my query: InstanceID, title, status and etc... From the second one: key, value, region and etc... I want to make 1 query so i can get the…
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Why my simple searching query is too slow?

I don't know why searching in my "cities" table is so slow. My query looking for a table "cities" located about 25km from the city. I use this simple query and the database takes almost 20 seconds to return results. SELECT city_destination,distance…
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SQL Developer queries are very slow if I am not connected as sys

I want to run my PL/SQL Queries on SQL Developer and created a new user connection. But if I run: set serveroutput on size unlimited; begin dbms_output.put_line('Hello Oracle.'); end; / clear screen; It takes more then 100 seconds. But only if…
0 answers

Export "Failed to export: Internal error encountered."

I am receiving an error when trying to export and save a query to a CSV (Google Drive) sheet. The error "Failed to export: Internal error encountered."