Questions tagged [user-permissions]

414 questions
2 answers

Executing a command as a nologin user

I've recently set up my server so that my suPHP 'virtual' users can't be logged into by using this article My issue now is that before when I ran a rake command for my Ruby on Rails application running on the server, I used su to go into www-data…
6 answers

How do I access the list of currently logged on users through Terminal Services Manager in Windows Server 2012?

In Windows 2003 and 2008 we had Terminal Services Manager (see screenshot below). However in Windows server 2012 it's gone. Does anyone know how to access the list of currently remotely logged on users in Windows 2012 through a similar tool or some…
5 answers

How can I copy MySQL users table from one server to another?

I'm setting up up a new MySQL server and I'd like to give it the same set of usernames, allowed hosts, and passwords as an existing server (which is going away). Would it work to just do a dump of the users table and then load it on the new…
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16 answers

Should dev be admin on their computer?

In a corporate environment, should developers have admin rights on their computer? Why? Technological environment: Windows 7 Visual Studio 2008 & 2010 SQL Server
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10 answers

Why shouldn't you let developers near root passwords?

I just came across Something is burning in the server room; how can I quickly identify what it is?. In the comments I found the following quote: you don't let a developer anywhere near your root passwords As a developer but also someone very…
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Is locking down a developers machine more effort than its worth?

Having worked as a developer and in IT admin/support for a development team, I've come across many different types of environment from the completely locked down to the completely non. In my limited support experience I think its been less effort to…
Preet Sangha
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Linux: How to enforce specific permissions on newly created logs which are created by log rotate?

I've noticed that the mail logs which are being created in /var/log are being created and owned by root (user and group). I've written a Nagios check which monitors the log and in order to allow the Nagios user to access it, I gave the other group…
Itai Ganot
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3 answers

What does the Windows 7 local group Power Users actually do?

A client wants a new bit of software. Typically they are on the cusp of signing a contract before they happen to mention it to IT in passing. A skim through the technical requirements show nothing extraordinary, except that all users of the…
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Allow non-admin user to shutdown/reboot Server 2012

Anyone know if a setting exists to allow a non-admin user to shutdown a server? Obviously I can set the "Allow Server to shutdown without logon" GPO but that is not quite the same thing. I am looking for a way to properly assign the shutdown right…
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1 answer

Limit which processes a user can restart with supervisor?

I have used supervisor to manage a Gunicorn process running a Django site, though this question could pertain to anything being managed by supervisor. Previously I was the only person managing and using our server, and supervisor just ran as root…
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4 answers

How does mysql determine the hostname of its clients?

I'm trying to create a MySQL user which will only be allowed to connect to the MySQL database from a specific hostname. grant all on db_name.* to 'user_name'@'' identified by 'some_passwd' By checking the user table on…
Luis Fernando Alen
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3 answers

getgrnam("user") failed in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

I am trying to run nginx as the current user (=ayush). But I get the following error on setting the user directive: Dec 11 22:26:13 manjaro nginx[17194]: 2015/12/11 22:26:13 [emerg] 17194#0: getgrnam("ayush") failed in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:1 Dec…
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1 answer

Scheduled Task in Windows Server 2016, run by non-admin Users

In earlier windows server versions (prior to 2016) it was possible to grant non-admin users the permission to run a scheduled task by doing following steps: Scheduled Task: run under system, execute script Give user read and execute rights on…
2 answers

Why might the Jenkins user not have permission to access the Docker unix socket?

I've added the jenkins user to the docker group thinking that it would allow Jenkins jobs to run Docker commands. If I switch to the jenkins user, I can verify it works (manually): ubuntu@hostname:~$ ps aux | grep java jenkins 2210 9.5 7.5…
Matt W
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1 answer

How do I give a user access to /var/www/html?

I'm new to Linux admin'ing. I created a user named webadmin and I want to give it permission to read/write in the /var/www/html directory. How do I go about doing this?
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