Questions tagged [query]

196 questions
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MySQL - Select queries 10x slower on Azure VM vs on-prem VM

We have been working on a project to migrate a MySQL database from an on-premise Linux server to a Windows VM on Azure (IaaS). (There's a specific reason because of which we have gone with the IaaS option instead of the Azure MySQL PaaS…
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Using SNMP to monitor windows RDP logons?

It is possible to monitor WIN RDP logons (user,login duration) using SNMP specific OID ?
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Rule - Search for my name in outlook messages but ignoring the text inserted in replies

I get a lot of junk emails that require no action from me so I wanted to filter out those that have my name in the body/subject and put them into a special folder. I realized after creating the rule that replying to an email chain inserts plaintext…
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Strapi + Postgres: Cannot SELECT from table - syntax error

I am using strapi and postgres. I created two collections in strapi called "solutions" and "references". When I run \dt I get the following output: ...more tables public | references | table |…
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AD Query for non expiring password but filter only active users

I need to do query which filters users with non expiring password setup. I have something like this: (&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=65536)) It works but show even disabled accounts and some…
Johny Wave
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DNS Fails to simple query test

I seem to have a real odd problem that seems to escape me. I have two servers - both of which are ad controllers. My Problem Child is Windows 2008 R2, My other is a Windows 2012R2 that runs no problem. If I go into the monitor section of DNS and run…
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Who is responsible for performing the query EC2 or RDS?

Normally I run my own MySQL server (within EC2), but I was looking for the possibility's of RDS ( ). As I understand RDS is (directly after setup) optimized for relational databases. What I don't understand is who is…
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Find Computers Recently Joined to Active Directory

How can I find Computers recently joined to Active Directory? Edit: I've searched google for the title phrase, and have also searched here, but can find nothing specifically about filtering on when the Computer Account was created.
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repeated mysql queries change execution time

I noticed that when I execute a query more than one time consecutively on my mysql machine, the execution time drops and changes significantly (40/50%) after the first execution, and that WITHOUT query cache activated and no other processes…
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SQL Server queries running more than the timeout values set in IIS 7.5 and SQL Server query timeouts

Which time out value does SQL server take into consideration while executing a query or stored procedure? The application timeout is set at 20 minutes. The SQL query/command timeout is set at 10 minutes. Then there is an F5 (load balancer) timeout…
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Apache File Query

I have an Apache server that has multiple files located on it. Each file is an updated version from the previous file. Eg. release-2013-07-20 is an older file and release-2013-07-25 is the newer file. I am looking to query the apache server and have…
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Slow Query in Big Tables by a field has INDEX

i don't understand the problem in this query, when I make a query with a condition of category_id = 'XX' the query take MINUTES to execute, but the same query without filter by category_id take 0.09 seconds, and the category_id is an int(11)…
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AD query - get bitlocker active computers

I have query in Active Directory which should return all computers with bitlocker not active based on this script: Script works fine so the values are there. But my…
Johny Wave
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How do I run specific queries in SCCM using Powershell

Could you advise how could I run query ID using command prompt? For example, I do not want to go to Monitoring-Queries-expand tree and search for the specific querry. I Just want to have script file, when I launch it the command show the result of…
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Filtering query on Nginx

Can I store a specific query in access_log file by filtering with an expression? For example I want to deny storing queries related to and then reject it ? Best regards, Nizar.
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