Questions tagged [endpoint]

33 questions
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Does an Amazon RDS endpoint change in the event of instance failure?

I would like to know if an Amazon RDS endpoint ever changes when a DB instance crashes and is brought back up. I want to setup 2 EC2 instances (additional EC2 instances may be spun up depending on traffic) hosting a Django app pointing to an RDS…
Binary Maze
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What is the benefit of VPC Endpoints on AWS?

I learned a long time ago that if you want an EC2 instance to be able to talk to AWS services like SQS, Kinesis and the like, the instance has to either have a public IP address or there needs to be something within the VPC doing NAT. When I first…
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Should I upgrade to Symantec Endpoint Protection?

I'm the IT manager at an animal shelter in Upstate New York. We have a Windows network with about 50 desktops running Windows XP Pro. We used to use CA eTrust Antivirus, but that product didn't work too well (too many infections got through). …
2 answers

Symantec Endpoint Protection Small Business disabling Windows 2008 R2 Firewall, how do I stop this?

We have SEP 12.1 RU1 Small Business Edition and we're deploying to Windows 2008 R2 machines. It seems that SEP is disabling the native firewall. Has anyone seen this? Specifically, The SEP Firewall policy on the management server does not have the…
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Recommendations for future-facing (fully cloud-based) Identity and EMM/UEM Solutions

I have recently started consulting for a tech startup of about 60 users that has grown, and is looking to expand, quickly. Due to the fast growth, and lack of formal IT advice up until now, they are badly in need of solutions around Identity and…
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Problems with endpoint host name containing emoji

Recently while testing my application I stumbled upon the possibility to change the computer name of a windows device (probably also possible with unix and any other OS but did not test with that) to contain an emoji (). Now I started to wonder if I…
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ADFS Relying Party - endpoint configuration

I'm working on setting up a lab environment with two Windows Server (virtual) machines that cooperate in an AD FS configuration. WIN-TORHJGJ7N: Windows Server 2012, running AD FS 2.0. Also the domain controller. ADFSSERVERPROXY: Despite its name,…
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RPC Server unavailable. 0x800706BA

I've alsready seen some similar threads on the RPC server unavailable messages; HRESULT: 0x800706BA. I've read some and looked at the recommendations on this thread; WMI query between two different AD sites? While there were some helpful hints it…
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System Center Configuration Manager: Endpoint Protection client install error

EP is installed, version is higher than expected installer version 4.1.522.0 Has anyone see that in the EndpointProtectionAgent.log on a system they have been trying to push the SCCM client to before? We have a number of servers that…
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How to make SQL mirroring endpoint on clustered SQL 2012 instance listen to all IPs?

I have a clustered SQL 2012 standard instance and I want to set up database mirroring. I also need to route the mirroring traffic through a separate NIC. We added the secondary IP to the SQL server cluster role as an "IP address" resource, on…
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AWS, S3 + VPC Endpoints

Not sure what I'm missing here. I've got an S3 bucket. I've got an EC2 instance. I created a VPC endpoint and associated it with ALL the subnets in my VPC, with the default policy: { "Statement": [ { "Action": "*", "Effect":…
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System Center Endpoint Protection remote scan

Could I use psexec to start a remote scan of a clients System Center Endpoint Protection ? I can't find any switches. Or Could I use System Center?
Benjamin Jones
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Configure FTP access to CentOS VM on Azure

I have just set up a Virtual Machine running CentOS through Azure. In order to be able to access the virtual machine through an FTP client, I have enabled the FTP endpoint. When I try to FTP in to the server, I see this in FileZilla: Status:…
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Access servers individually in a load balanced set

I have 2 web servers in a load balanced set (port 80) on the Azure platform. I need to ping a php file on each server which forces them to update, but how can I do this? Can I access them like this: And set an…
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4 answers

Windows Server 2008 R2 Server Manager not working -> mmc.exe crashes with System.IO.FileNotFoundException -> Hyper-V role guilty

Since some days ago I can't run the Server Manager, it fails like this: Descripción: Stopped working Firma con problemas: Nombre del evento de problema: CLR20r3 Firma del problema 01: mmc.exe Firma del problema 02: 6.1.7600.16385 Firma del…
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