Questions tagged [ps]

In most Unix-like operating systems, the "ps" program displays the currently-running processes.

128 questions
0 answers

Strategies for detecting daemon memory leaks

I have a system which sends an email to a user twice a day, confirming that a specific daemon is still running and doing something. This has historically run for over a year without a restart, but the code has now changed, and I need to confirm that…
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How to duplicate iStat Menus memory usage from a shell?

I'm using MacOS 11.6. I've written a small cron job that measures memory usage of a process and, if that usage exceeds a threshold, pops up a notification on screen. (The point is to remind me when a leaky process gets so big that it's time to…
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1 answer

sar and top show high cpu usage, but vmstat and ps show low cpu usage. Why?

I'm diagnosing a high CPU usage event, and I found a weird difference between numbers from ps/vmstat, which show almost 0%, and sar/top, which show almost 100% (user + system): sar 1 5 Linux 2.6.9-67.ELsmp (uxdfl712) 07/25/2020 01:48:31 PM …
1 answer

is there a way to pretty print the output of "ps" to include the "rss" memory value?

I have a python script which takes in processes in csv format and decides things based on what's running, it's name, and how much cpu time it's using. I would like to add processes that also use lots of memory to said script. The problem, however,…
Rusty Weber
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2 answers

How to connect to remote server using powershell from local . Enter-PSSession not working ( Not Related Exchange Service )

I am trying to connect to remote computer using local powershell session. for that I am trying to use local powershell Enter-PSSession or New-PSSession comandlets as : $session = New-PSSession -ConnectionUri…
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1 answer

How to cut the result of ps command

Could you please explain this command? and what does 48 means ? ps -laef | cut -c 48- | sort | uniq -c | sort -n Thanks in advance
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3 answers

How to terminate a process(httpd) when its PID keeps on changing in CENTOS 7

When I tried to restart my httpd service using systemctl restart httpd Checking the status, I found that process is dead and another process is running. so I removed it using yum erase httpd As a precaution, I checked if the process is still running…
Anup Sharma
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3 answers

How to solve memory issues in Linux

How to get details of a process that is taking RAM. From top command i have found that Mysql is taking too much ram how can i know why Mysql is taking too much ram far from usual behavior? Is there any commands to get more details of the process…
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