Questions tagged [ps]

In most Unix-like operating systems, the "ps" program displays the currently-running processes.

128 questions
2 answers

Linux: ps -awx vs. ps -awwx

Does anyone know the difference of ps -awx vs. ps -awwx? I'm tracking down some processes, and I see significantly more information when I add an additional "w". Does this work like in other cases (such as SSH debugging) when you issue multiple…
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Wchan section in ps output not showing anything

I know that if a process go into D state then it means that it is in uninterruptable state. The process can not be killed by any signal. It will only come out of that state on reboot or if I/O wait is over. I have many process in D state which…
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ps show column name

Using these ps options I cut 10 lines and order output of ps by cpu usage (pcpu): ps -eo pcpu,etime,pid,user,args --no-headers| sort -t. -nk1,2 -k4,4 -r |head -n 10 I need also show the name of columns (like same commands without cutting the…
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Docker memory leak?

I'm running Docker 0.9.0 uname -a Linux 3.11.0-18-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Tue Feb 18 21:11:14 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux I have 40 containers running at once. Each container is fairly simple - it runs a snippet of code in a Node…
Ryan Hewitt
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How to filter out default system processes with ps?

Is there a way to get a list of running processes on a Linux system, minus the default ones running on every system (i.e. only the ones that were installed/executed after the fact). Can this be accomplished with ps, or any similar tool? Thanks
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How to get /proc/[pid]/cmdline to contain command arguments?

I am running into an issue where some of my Ubuntu/Debian servers do not show the arguments passed to rake in either top or ps. I have tracked this problem down to a variation in output given by /proc/[pid]/cmdline. This is the file that seems to…
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ps returning unreasonably high values for %cpu and cputime

We've had an alert from Nagios on one of our servers that we have a runaway process. Logging in and running top doesn't show anything bad happening, but when I look at the output of ps I see something odd: oxygen@mail-1:~$ ps -e -o %cpu,comm,cputime…
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Who is 1014? I have no user on my system named 1014, so why is this httpd process run as 1014?

[root@home ~]# ps au | grep httpd 1014 9701 0.0 0.2 281620 3124 pts/24 Sl+ 18:41 0:00 ./bin/httpd -X root 9742 0.0 0.0 3084 720 pts/22 R+ 18:45 0:00 grep httpd By the way, what do Sl+ and R+ mean? Is 1014 a hacker? Why…
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Weird process CPU time output on Ubuntu under Amazon EC2

I have just started a large instance using ami-fa01f193 AMI. When I use ps aux, a bunch of random processes will show HUGE numbers for the CPU time used. Looks like some sort of overflow. Did someone see this before and how do I fix this? Here is a…
Mad Wombat
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Is one type of options to ps preferred?

GNU ps supports BSD-style options, UNIX-style options, and GNU long options. Is using one of these types (in scripts and at the command line) preferred over the others? I get the impression from the manpage that the functionality of the option…
Jim Hunziker
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ps command output does not display wchan values in fedora

I am running fedora 5.3.12-200.fc30.x86_64 and testing simple tcp client/server codes. I tried running different ps commands but I can not get any value displayed in wchan field, although in my case both server and client are in suspended states.…
1 answer

extra sshd root instance

I have logged in to my server running Centos 7 via ssh and executed the following command: [me@server ~]$ ps -ef --forest | grep ssh root 476 1 0 Dec02 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/sshd -D root 12366 476 0 23:26 ? 00:00:00 \_…
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How to change time format to seconds in ps -p?

I wrote a rsync script which also checks for how long the process of the script has been running. This is the relevant part: time=$(ps -p $processid -o etime= | awk -F: '{print $2}') # number of seconds the process is running. if [ $(ps -ef | grep…
Itai Ganot
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Linux: ps command's output is randomly different than expected, can you find the reason?

I wrote a Nagios check which counts how many pgpool processes are running and how long each process runs. I'm running on Linux CentOS 6.4 In order to get the time the process is running, I'm using the next command: ps -p PID -o…
Itai Ganot
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List environment variables of a running process on AIX without character limit

Today I was trying to debug an issue where a process was not picking up the correct environmental variable. It took us hours before we realized that it wasn't picking up the correct variable. I tried to list them using the solution here:…
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