Questions tagged [ps]

In most Unix-like operating systems, the "ps" program displays the currently-running processes.

128 questions
2 answers

Command referenced in `ps aux` doesn't exist?

When I run ps aux | grep /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd I get the following output. USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND www-data 9837 0.0 0.0 23112 1360 ? S Oct15 0:00 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd…
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top, w, ps showing wrong CPU times

I've spotted this trait recently on some of my Ubuntu servers (10.04.2) on Amazon EC2 (not noticed this on any physical boxes), and can't quite comprehend how it's getting these figures. They can't be real, because I'm sure computers haven't been…
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What's pgrp in this context?

Quoted from here. gdb puts the debugged process in its own pgrp and sets the terminal to that pgrp. (Try e.g. ps j on the PIDs of gdb and your program being debugged.) And what does it mean by ps j on the PIDs of gdb and your program…
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3 answers

How do I kill a runaway cronjob

I have a cronjob that is set to run constantly. It's a php file that streams data from twitter. However twitter goes down every once a while or we lose connection so I have cron checking back every minute to try and run the file. The php script…
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I want to find something and kill it

I keep running these two commands over and over: $ ps aux | grep php | grep -v grep www-data 3663 100 14.8 328620 304900 ? R 12:56 0:54 php /home/jason/projects/mcif/./symfony import:process --id=91 jason@gob:~/projects/mcif$ sudo kill…
Jason Swett
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Enter-PSSession : Connecting to remote server failed

I have three VMs: A, B and C. I use Enter-PSSession to connect them. But recently connecting B from A (A->B) never succeeds. Others ways (A->C, C->A, B->A, B->C, C->B) have no problem. The error message: Enter-PSSession : Connecting to remote server…
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AWS / EC2 / Ubuntu 16.04: apache2 processes although apache is not installed?

I created an AWS Ubuntu 16.04 EC2 instance a while ago and had it running for some time not really doing anything. Now as I try to bring that machine bring to service, I notice a few things I can not explain: username@hostname:~$ ps aux | grep…
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Process claims to use a lot of memory, but 'free' indicates that the memory is still free

I've seen the opposite of this, but this is puzzling. In short, I have a process where %MEM claims to use 74% of memory when using 'ps' and 'top'. However, 'free' shows that I'm only using 32% of the available memory. Here is this output of…
1 answer

how to find Linux processes started at a certain time

I am trying to debug Linux vnc session that is not responding. I think I clicked the KDE konsole icon and that is when the vnc session became frozen. I can see the windows and menu in KDE but nothing responds. I am wondering if i could know the…
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ps is giving a segmentation fault

I'm getting a segmentation fault when I try to run a simple "ps aux" for a certain user. If I run as root or another user it runs well. So I think is something related with ulimits, but I think that those parameters are enough: bash-4.1$ ulimit…
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How to spec VM requirements based on historical data of transient processes on Linux?

I've been given a task to break apart the services on one of our main VMs (Amazon EC2) and appropriate additional VMs to suit the services needs. The type of services that I am dealing with are mostly php cronjobs, that coincide with our web…
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2 answers

Determine from where is "sh" being run under apache www-data user using using PF or NETSTAT

I am working with a compromised Ubuntu 8.04 Plesk 9.5.4 server. It seems that a script on the server is continuously doing reverse lookups to random IPs on the Internet. I first spotted it during by using top and then noticed flashes of this coming…
1 answer

ps -o pcpu on Debian Squeeze is giving meaningless numbers

I'm trying to get the CPU percentage for processes on a busy server out of ps, but it's giving me nonsensical numbers. Here's a truncated example: $ ps -eo pcpu,pid | sort -n %CPU PID ... 36.5 26403 38.6 28295 39.0 11741 42.6 11736 58.6…
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Nginx/php-fpm processes falls in Uninterruptible sleep

I got nagios critical warning about a server, and when i checked ps -aux i found that all of nginx (php-fpm) are in Uninterruptible sleep www-data 1330 0.4 0.3 299992 108560 ? D 16:06 0:16 php-fpm: pool www www-data 1338 0.4 0.2…
Alaa Alomari
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0 answers

cygwin's ps -W doesn't show all processes when running through an ssh session

I hope this is the right place to ask this question: I have two machines (Win7) running cygwin. Machine A connects to Machine B through an ssh session. When I run ps -W in the ssh terminal on A, the list of processes is missing some of the processes…
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