Questions tagged [ps]

In most Unix-like operating systems, the "ps" program displays the currently-running processes.

128 questions
1 answer

Monitoring Port Requests for Command

I have a command which I am running that starts a process listening on a port. I am currently getting the following error. socket exception: Address already in use The problem is, I don't know what port the process is trying to listen on. Is there…
Dan Grahn
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Accurately get memory usage on Linux

I am trying to incorporate this feature into a script I am writing. From what I understand "free -m" does not report accurately. From what I understand the memory is used, Linux does not "free" it until it actually needs to. For example if I have…
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Getting Running Script Names Via PS

I need to get a list of all running PHP scripts but piping PS thru grep just gives me a list of all references to PHP files How do I accomplish this? Is this even possible? root@myhost:/var/www/cron/jobs# ps -ef | grep *.php | grep -v grep THANKS!
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Finding out total PHP usage in MB's

I'm trying to find out total memory used by all PHP processes on my CentOS server. After some grepping and awking this is my final command. ps -e | grep php | awk '{print $1}' | xargs pmap | grep total | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/K//' | awk '{SUM +=…
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load-causing processes disappearing from "top" ps -o pcpu shows bogus numbers

I administer a large number of servers, and I have this problem only with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS: I run a server under normal load (say load average 3.0 on an 8-core server). The "top" command shows processes taking certain % of CPU that cause this load…
Alec Matusis
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RHEL/Apache - meaning of WCHAN="semtim"

What is the meaning of WCHAN="semtim"? ps -ylC httpd S UID PID PPID C PRI NI RSS SZ WCHAN TTY TIME CMD S 0 25330 1 0 78 0 16168 170563 - ? 00:00:14 httpd R 48 16566 25330 4 76 0 36864 174156 - ?…
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Enable foreign users processes listing

how can I enable under Debian 6 to list the processes of a foreign user? I have the user nagios but this user can only list his own processes. Br
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Why doesn't ps resolve usernames including dashes

On Debian and Ubuntu (probably on other GNU systems too), when ps lists a process' user, it normally resolves its name, but when a process is running as a user which has a dash in its name, the user's numeric ID is shown instead. I think this is…
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How can you see clearly process data from ps -u $user?

The question is based on this thread. Problem: to find an installation within the process data I would like to know how you can see from the following data that I have the updates of MacPorts' ports going on. I run ps -u Sam I get UID PID TTY …
2 answers

What is the meaning of this result from running 'lsof -i:8080'?

When I run the following command: lsof -i:8080 This is the result: node 32419 root 6u IPv4 122865 TCP localhost.localdomain:webcache (LISTEN) That result is different from that of the following command: lsof -i:80 Result: nginx …
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ps segfaults on CentOS

I have a CentOS- 5.5 server with python2.6 installed from epel repo(disabled by default). It keeps segfaulting. I also have maatkit from epel repo installed. In addition, am running percona as a replication slave. i have the last few lines of strace…
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After updating debian lenny, ps stops recognising my users

Since upgrading my debian lenny box with apt-get, ps seems to be behaving strangely, and also if i run top i see under the user column the ids, not the names. whoami => foo ps -U foo => ERROR: User name does not exist. I get this output when I run…
4 answers

ps aux as non-root doesn't show all processes

i'm using an ubuntu 10.04 server... when i run ps aux as root i see all processes when i run ps aux as nonroot i see JUST the processes of the current user after a bit of research i found the following solution: root@m85:~# ls -al /proc/ total…
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Confusing Memory output from top/ps aux (over 600% memory allocated)

I'm trying to get to the bottom of an issue where the oom-killer is killing certain jobs off on a server. The server has 48GB of physical ram, with 20GB of swap, and I'm trying to find out what processes are the ones using memory. Output from free…
1 answer

How to get users running processes without it's username in it?

I'm trying to write all users and their running processes in file using: ps -r -U username -o pid,command,user > up.txt But I don't need commands that contains users name in it. How can I filter commands by their name? Example 22312 ps -ls …
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