Questions tagged [ps]

In most Unix-like operating systems, the "ps" program displays the currently-running processes.

128 questions
6 answers

Show full process name in top

I'm running a Rails stack on Ubuntu. When I call ps -AF, I get a descriptive process name set by the Apache module like 00:00:43 Rails: /var/www... which is really helpful in diagnosing load issues. But when I call top, the same process shows up…
Ben K.
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7 answers

How to prevent "ps" reporting its own process?

$ ps | grep django 28006 ttys004 0:01.12 /usr/bin/python bin/django celeryd --beat 51393 ttys005 0:01.45 /usr/bin/python bin/django celeryd -l INFO 51472 ttys005 0:01.29 /usr/bin/python bin/django celeryd -l INFO 51510 ttys005 0:01.89…
Steve Bennett
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1 answer

what s+ S1+ T R+ mean in ps ax ps list

I run this command and got result this but not able to understand the result which node instance should i kill ps ax | grep node 23308 pts/3 S+ 0:00 sudo node index.js 23310 pts/3 Sl+ 0:00 node index.js 23568 pts/1 T 0:00…
Rahul Mehta
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2 answers

How is memory usage reported in Linux?

Using ps, I can see the size, the vsize (same as top's VIRT?), and the rss (same as top's RES?). (One more I see in top is SHR.) Could someone summarize for me what these different fields mean?
Jim Hunziker
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4 answers

Monitor all newly spawned processes on a Linux machine

Sometimes a process comes and goes faster than I can ps aux, I tried watch -d -n0.1 "ps aux | tail" but again, that's restricted to 1/10th of a second. What I really want is to run a command and follow all new processes, one per line, as they spawn.…
Vasiliy Sharapov
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1 answer

D+ status in ps output

Is there any difference between D, Ds and D+ status of process from the ps output $ ps -e -o pid,stat,comm,wchan=WIDE-WCHAN-COLUMN | grep D PID STAT COMMAND WIDE-WCHAN-COLUMN 12987 D+ du o2net_send_message_vec I understand…
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CPU% more than 100 in ps -aux

We use ps -aux to find out when tomcat process takes high CPU utilization, if that so we will send a alert to Group. But some times %CPU shows more than 100, but our application working fine. Is it bad sign or whether our understanding is correct…
Selvakumar P
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Who is user 500?

after runnning ps aux command I see this line 500 23931 0.0 0.6 63764 6880 ? S 08:49 0:01 /usr/sbin/sw-cp-serverd -f /etc/sw-cp-server/config I'm a beginner in this whole vps administration, so am asking if I should be worried?
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What is causing these flush processes?

What are these flush processes? $ ps aux | grep flush root 710 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S 2012 2:29 [flush-202:1] root 10732 6.2 0.0 0 0 ? S Apr14 453:33 [flush-202:80] ubuntu 24009 0.0 0.0 8080 …
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Unix / Linux command to see finished or killed processes

Is there a way to see processed that finished running or were killed a given amount of time ago? For instance, ps -ef will show all running processes, but if a process finishes, it is no longer returned by this command. So for instance if I wanted…
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When using ps with a user-defined format, how do I get a column with unlimited width?

I'm using ps with the user-defined format as shown below: $ ps ax -o pid,args,psr,pcpu | grep python 2236 /usr/bin/python2.7 -u /home 2 0.0 2452 /usr/bin/python /usr/lib/un 2 0.0 2480 /usr/bin/python /usr/lib/ub 0 0.7 2501 /usr/bin/python…
2 answers

busybox - how to list process priority?

How to list process priority on an embedded linux with busybox?
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Getting full path of executables in 'ps auxwww' output

Consider the following lines from a "ps auxwww" output: USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TT STAT STARTED TIME COMMAND root 4262 0.0 0,1 76592 1104 s005 Ss 10:02am 0:00.03 login -pf yo yo 4263 0.0 0,0 …
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3 answers

How to find full process arguments and associated listening ports?

I can execute netstat -atulpn | grep java to find all Java processes with their accompanying ports, which is great, however I would like to also have the processes full execution arguments also shown. I don't believe that this is possible with…
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2 answers

How do get apache display url request in Top and PS?

Is there a way to get apache to display the url that it is handling in top and ps? This would help us nail down performance issues much more faster. Thanks.
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