Questions tagged [logman]

10 questions
3 answers

Easiest way to get Perfmon counter names into a text file?

I'd like to create a settings file for my logman command. I expect to have lots of perfmon counters. Is there any easy way to get all the perfmon counters' exact text anywhere? The only thing I thought of was to create a Perfmon Counter Log…
Bill Paetzke
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1 answer

Why can't Logman start?

I'm setting up my first logman counter. But it's not working! There is some file or folder permissions problem. Or maybe I wrote the create-counter statement wrong. Here's my counter commands: logman create counter BillTest -si 30 -v nnnnnn -max…
Bill Paetzke
  • 855
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1 answer

How can I use perfmon/logman to set up logging on a master (Windows) VM, writing to another machine on the network?

I know how to set up logging to write to a remote location in the general case - just specify the output filename using the full UNC path (e.g. \\HOST-PC\directory\logoutput.etl) when creating the log job. However, a problem arises when new Virtual…
1 answer

logman command at startup requires elevation

I am trying to setup Performance Counters on a Windows Server 2008 R2 server and have successfully setup the counters. The problem is that I need to manually start the counters each time the server is restarted. I found a neat trick to add the…
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0 answers

Logman user switch confusion

I'm setting up a powershell script that installs a logman counter on several servers that are in dire need of some performance monitoring. The documentation states that the -u switch works with create update, start, stop, delete and query.…
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1 answer

Logman issues with -v option

I have a problem with logman.exe. I can't get the -v option to work properly. With this parameters: logman create counter EPVMON1 -f csv -v mmddoomm -max 100 -si 120 -o "F:/PerfLogs/EPVMON1" -cf "F:/EPVMON/EPVTASK/COUNTERS/disk.config" it creates…
0 answers

Automatization of Process Monitor inspection

I regularly use Process Monitor to to debug an application that misbehaves very often. I don't develop the application so fixing the source code is not an option. The image below shows the kind of output I'm used to: Now I want to make this process…
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1 answer

Logman - Monitor single process handle count

I am attempting to monitor the Handle Count of a single Process using logman. I am able to monitor may different counters but cannot seem to get the Process counter to filter down to the single process I am looking for. These are our logman…
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1 answer

How to setup Perfmon/Logman to get the Thread performance counters for only a specific IIS process?

I am trying to setup Perfmon/Logman to collect some performance counters to monitor my IIS6 installation. There are multiple w3wp instances on this host, and I can successfully collect data for the specific instance I want by passing (w3wp_1234) to…
1 answer

Does Logman's -cnf Switch Work?

We've been trying to create PerfMon counters that contain up to 15 minutes worth of data before writing to a new file. PerfMon can be configured to do this, but it resets these settings whenever the machine is restarted, which causes hard-to-notice…
Hammer Bro.
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