Questions tagged [outlook]

Outlook is a standalone or groupware client for Microsoft Exchange. It is used for Email, contacts, tasks and calendar.

1056 questions
3 answers

One Distribution Group out of alphabetical order in GAL?

Found a weird one for you. Our org. has 5 distribution groups with names starting with the word "Credit ...". Like "Credit Team One", "Credit Team Two", "Credit Team Three", etc etc. All 5 groups are set up the same. Universal Distribution group,…
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1 answer

Outlook as a lightweight IMAP client

Is it possible to configure Outlook (Version 1812, part of Office 365) as an IMAP client without downloading everything in Drafts, Sent, Spam, Trash? Starting from a clean profile, I add a user, and the Send/Receive crawls for 25 minutes (or more;…
1 answer

Strange: Users can't delete items from public folders in Outlook 2016 when the client has been logged in for about 30 minutes

We are running Exchange Online and Exchange 2013 in hybrid mode. Our public folders are hosted online. After a fresh boot/reboot, our users can delete items (permissions vary from Owner to PublishingEditor), but: After about 30 minutes Outlook…
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Mail sending error in VBA form

: I am getting the following error The host 'smtp' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Account: 'pop3', Server: 'smtp', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number:…
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Outlook 2019 Compatibility with Exchange 2010

Is Outlook 2019 supported with Exchange 2010? The following tables identify the mail clients that are supported for use together with each version of…
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Why can't I edit my own contact info in Global Address List of Outlook client anymore?

Why can't I edit my own contact info in Global Address List of Outlook client? The environment is on-premise exchange server 2016, in the ECP/Exchange Admin Center I already have user accounts set up with Our outlook client version is the latest…
2 answers

IIS binding added, now outlook prompts for credentials infinitely

Disclaimer - this isn't my area of expertise, I'm learning as I go, if I need to adjust level of detail here or redact information please let me know, no offense intended. Customer needed to pass a PCI scan and the last high item was that when…
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Unable to forward message sent as attachment from public folder

We run an on-site Exchange server and use a mixture of Outlook 2016, Office 365 Outlook and OWA to access the e-mail. We recently upgraded the Exchange server from Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2016. We used…
1 answer

Outlook and Thunderbird connecting to IMAP server where mail has been deleted

Have a rebuilt IMAP mail server which is missing emails for a time period. I have tried to search but only found articles about migration. Question is, will outlook and thunderbird etc sync such that it deletes locally the mail which it no longer…
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Outlook 2016 Calendar Event Sync Issue

I am working on an issue with Outlook 2016. User A has full mailbox rights and calendar ownership rights of User B's calendar. User A manages the calendar events for User B and also invites other users to collaborate on managing the calendar with…
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0 answers

Allow standard user to modify HKCU registry from script

I'm writing a batch script to launch a program for my Citrix environment and I'm running into some issues with a couple of reg keys I'm trying to set in the script. essentially I'm launching an access database located on a remote server from a user…
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0 answers

Can't get emails into Outlook client

I have moved hMailServer onto a different server. When I use Outlook and log the communication within hMailServer I get the following; Creating session 737 ... SENT: +OK POP3 RECEIVED: CAPA .... SENT: +OK Mailbox locked and ready RECEIVED:…
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1 answer

Exchange / Outlook automatically accept dayly the same meetings for one user

Since some days Outlook is dayly auto-accepting meeting invitations from a specific user. What happens Mail: "Microsoft Outlook has agreed to this meeting in the order of [employee2]" The mails come every day at the same time They usually accept…
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Outlook on Terminalserver loses connection. Event ID 26

Problem Symptoms: Users experience daily disconnects and reconnects in Outlook running on a Terminal Server and have to log in again. They can not log in instantly but have to wait for approx. 1 minute. What i found out in the Event log: I realized…
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2 answers

Office 2016 Will Not Connect to Office 365

I have recently performed three Exchange to Office 365 Migrations. In each I have had problems with Office 2016 not connecting to Autodiscover and thus Outlook won't create the profile. In most cases I've used the Microsoft Support and Recovery…
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