Questions tagged [odbc]

172 questions
1 answer

Credentials work for SSMS but not (ODBC) LogParser script

Via SSMS I'm able to connect and navigate the server/db in question. but trying to connect via a logparser script the same credentials fail. I'm trying to execute this from the same box on which the server's running. the username is owner/dbo of the…
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informix odbc connection slow to open in

I have an application that takes a long time to open odbc connections (like 20 sec) also takes forever using arcmap and arcsde but when I try the connection on the odbc data source administrator, it tests it really fast Does anyone have any idea of…
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ODBC error state S1092: postgresql through ODBC

While performing an upgrade, our in-house software started to report the following strange error. It is a C++ application talking to a remote PostgreSQL database, defined through ODBC: ODBC error state S1092, native error 0. [unixODBC][Driver…
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3 answers

What port does OpenLink ODBC Driver use?

I use Avaya Reporting Services and OpenLink ODBC Drivers for db connection. I know that it uses port 5000 for handshaking but after that I believe it uses an random port for communication. I want to deploy my application and it will communicate with…
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ODBC Drivers Missing on Windows Sever 2003 64 bit OS

I am working on a Windows Server 2003 x64 bit OS. Under ODBC connections, I am seeing only "SQL Server" and "SQL native Client". I wanted to make a datasource for xls. I have already performed the following things and there is no solution: Gone…
2 answers

SQLCMD command works but ODBC does not

I'm trying to connect to a MS SQL server from a Linux machine, but can't get ODBC to work. The following command works and I get a shell: sqlcmd -S tcp:, -U -P I have the following in my…
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MSSQL: Service is unavailable

I'm whipping up a demo of Zabbix in our environment and have some trouble monitoring a SQL server. The error: 'MSSQL: Service is unavailable' > 'The TCP port of the MS SQL Server service is currently unavailable.' Things we need to…
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MySQL connector/ODBC connection error following a DNS mismatch

I have troubles configuring a new MySQL connection with ODBC Data Sources (64bits) utility on a Windows Server 2019. I'm using MySQL Workbench to define remote accesses as follow: The user is granted a SELECT only access: I have noticed that the…
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Azure Managed Instance - Virtual Machine Whitelisting

I am having quite a few problems with setting up an Azure VM that is linked to an Azure Managed Instance SQL Server. The aim of this is to be able to setup a linked server in SSMS that can connect to a whitelisted MySQL server so I believe I need…
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Is it possible to set up the database connection if we are provided with ODBC registry file?

One of the users already has all the OBDC connections configured on to the RDC user account. That machine is used to connect to all the databases. A new user on boards into the organization, his log in account is created on the same machine. This…
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Need help to block access ODBC Data Source Administrator for normal users in Windows AD via Group Policy

Users should not add/modify DSN in ODBC Data Source Administrator in Windows client, so we most likely need to block access to ODBC Data Source Administrator for users in Windows AD via Group Policy.
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RedHat 7 msodbcsql17 problems

I initially asked this on StackOverflow, but it is not application development issue in my opinion. Basically, I have a C++ application which connects to SQL Server using msodbcsql17 package. It is running on RedHat 7 linux server. When deploying…
Gábor Major
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Oracle 10g ODBC Drivers and Connectors

Hello Im using two machines : Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 , on both I have installed the oracle client 10g, and when I try to use ODBC for linked server option on SQL Server It just work on my XP but on the server I cant get it work, even…
Jonathan Escobedo
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Configuring postgresql12-odbc to use the correct protocol version

I have a Centos 7 box with unixODBC 2.3.1 and postgresql-odbc 12.02 installed, which is connecting to a PostgreSQL server also running v12. Although I believe I have configured ODBC to use the v12.0 protocol, it does not seem to be. When connected…
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What causes Installshield to fail (error: 1628)?

I'm trying to setup a DB/C FS 4.0 ODBC driver on our server to connect to a client's database, and am receiving an error from the Installshield executable: "1628: Failed to complete installation." The driver installed with no issues on my personal…
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