I'm whipping up a demo of Zabbix in our environment and have some trouble monitoring a SQL server.

The error: 'MSSQL: Service is unavailable' > 'The TCP port of the MS SQL Server service is currently unavailable.'

Things we need to monitor:

  • SVRDBS118 (database server itself) => Works fine with the Zabbix agent
  • SVRDBS118\TST01 (database instance)
  • SVRDBS118\TST02 (database instance)

I have applied the 'MSSQL by ODBC' template to the server and set the following macro's:

{$MSSQL.DSN}       svrdbs118
{$MSSQL.PORT}      57003

In the template itself I have changed


On the Zabbix server I installed the ODBC driver and configured the .ini-files as follows:


[ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server]
Description=Microsoft ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server


Driver = ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server 
Server = SVRDBS118\TST01

The SQL server does not listen on TCP/1433 but on dedicated ports per instance and named pipes for the instances are enabled.

NMAP confirms the port 1433 is closed but the dedicated ports are open & sqlcmd confirms the credentials work.

The nature of the error has me thinking Zabbix keeps trying to connect on TCP/1433...

Any help getting me past this error and suggestions on how to monitor multiple instances are greatly appreciated.

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