Questions tagged [linked-server]

50 questions
2 answers

How to install Oracle OLE drivers for use in SQL Server 2008 R2 x64

As per standard procedure we've been using for years for previous versions of both Oracle and SQL Server, I have installed Oracle's latest ODAC package, which includes the Oracle OLE driver onto our new SQL Server 2008 R2 x64 nodes. I have done the…
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4 answers

Can SQL Server 2008 Linked Servers be edited? Is there the equivalent of an ALTER statement for Linked Servers?

I have a Linked Server which was made using SQL Server Management Studio 2008. If the linked server destination changes, I will have to change the properties of it to direct to the right place. But I cannot - there is no edit option! Am i missing…
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Double hop problem with sql server 2008

I'm trying to set up the following scenario. I have 3 servers, they are all in same domain. Server A has web application which runs under (domain) service account, dom\web. Server B has instance of SQL Server 2008 R2 which runs under (domain)…
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How to successfully connect to Foxpro database files using MSSQL Linked Server feature and ODBC?

We're trying to access Foxpro file-based database files via MSSQL Server's linked server feature, using Foxpro ODBC driver. For this, we've installed the latest Foxpro ODBC Driver from Microsoft, made a System DSN which is using this driver chose…
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how does ping resolve to ipv4 on one machine, but ipv6 on another?

Background I have two environments, TEST and STAGE. I use Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) with two linked 2008 SQL servers. A SQL job runs every couple of minutes and everything works fine on TEST. The SQL job does not run…
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How do I create a Linked Server in SQL Server 2005 to a password protected Access 95 database?

I need to create a linked server with SQL Server Management Studio 2005 to an Access 95 database, which happens to be password protected at the database level. User level security has not been implemented. I cannot convert the Access database to a…
4 answers

Using linked servers to query across database servers?

We have multiple MSSQL 2005 servers that contain silos of information. We want our database developers to be able to join across these silos in the most transparent and performant way possible. The databases vary in size, but average in the tens…
3 answers

if I select more than 15 fields, I get catastrophic failure

Using sql server 2012 I am connecting to a linked server with Pervasive SQL on it. When I do select * or select field1,field2,field3....field15 I am getting this error: Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 The OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked…
Alex Gordon
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1 answer

Error when connecting to Named Instance as a Linked Server

I have a MS SQL2008 server running a root instance and a named instances. SQL001\. SQL001\Pilgrim When I connected to SQL001\Pilgrim I can set-up a link to the default instance SQL001\. no problem, but when I connect to the Default Instance…
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1 answer

Trigger is not working on LInked Server. Both servers are SQL Server 2005

I have link a server with another server. I can access records from linked server and I can also insert record using INSERT statement like INSERT INTO [LINKED-SERVER-IP].MyDb.dbo.Customer (CustomerId, CustomerName) SELECT CustomerId, CustomerName…
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1 answer

How do I add a self-referencing linked server in SQL 2008

I am trying to replicate our live server set up local using a single SQL database. In SQL 2005 I would added 2 linked servers both referencing itself with different names, each point to a different table. How do I do this in SQL 2008. I've try the…
2 answers

Linking to oracle from SQL Server 2005, this sucks

I need to create a link server from SQL Server to Oracle, but I'm having no luck. I've install the oracle 10g client software and I'm able to use TOAD for oracle and use ODBC to connect to the database directly. When I try to create a link server…
Dwight T
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3 answers

User cannot access a system DSN on Windows Server 2008

We run our SQL Server services using a low privileged domain account. That account is NOT a local admin on the OS. Only access I give the user account is assigned during install of SQL: full control over its mount points and then everything else is…
Ra Osolage
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2 answers

Transfering BLOBS on a MSSQL -> MySQL Linked Server

Working on setting up a new MySQL database for a website, and I'm trying to figure out how to transfer over long strings. I have quite a few MSSQL tables that have Varchars ranging from 500 to 2000. Obviously in MySQL these have to be stored in a…
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1 answer

How to create a shared lock blocking an intent exclusive lock

As I understand it, a SELECT statement will place a shared lock on the rows that it will return. While that SELECT is running, if an UPDATE statement comes along and needs to grab an intent exclusive lock then that UPDATE statement will need to wait…
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