Questions tagged [odbc]

172 questions
3 answers

User cannot access a system DSN on Windows Server 2008

We run our SQL Server services using a low privileged domain account. That account is NOT a local admin on the OS. Only access I give the user account is assigned during install of SQL: full control over its mount points and then everything else is…
Ra Osolage
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2 answers

Unable to Create MySql 64-bit System DSN on Windows

I have a very similar problem to "Unable to Create System DSN," but none of the fixes suggested there have worked for me. System: Windows 7 64-bit Enterprise. I'm trying to create a DSN to use accessing MySQL from powershell. When I open up…
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Failover_Partner connection in file DSN not working

I have an application which uses file DSNs to connect to a central database server. This database server is mirrored onto a secondary server, and in the event of a failover, it is my understanding that adding a line in the file DSN…
0 answers

doing ODBC System DSN's from Active Directory

2008R2 Active Directory, workstations are Win7 Ent, Office/Excel 2013, Oracle 11.2. Excel fetches data from Oracle using System DSN's. Where can I put ODBC System DSN's in Active Directory? Do I need to do anything special to the Win7 / Excel 2013…
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Website loses connection to database intermittently

Every so often our website loses connection to the sql server and I receive the following errors: "The following error: A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection." "The following error: A transport-level…
1 answer

Is it possible to increase the maximum pool size on an ODBC connection?

I have a server supporting a phone system of about 300 phones. When calls are made, many different connections are opened and closed during the course of a call. I'm starting to see "out of database connections" and "timeout expired messages" when…
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Restricting access through ODBC to only schema views SQL 2008

I'm pretty green to SQL security, so maybe someone can help me. We've got a database application that, when installed, by default grants the public role access to all the tables in the database. When you create an SQL user, it adds the user to the…
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1 answer

Issue With Case Sensitivity on IBM Power server queries

Where I work, we have an IBM Power System that we use for data storage and access. It is currently running i OS 6.1. We have a website on an IIS server that pulls data from this server and has several different web apps that do different…
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Increase 32K BLOB limit in Postgres ODBC

Is there a way to increase the limit of a BLOB field from 32K in Postgres ODBC driver?
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Can you use SQLite 64 bit odbc from powershell

I have installed 64 bit ODBC driver for SQLite, downloaded from this page. I am running PowerShell version 2 on Windows 7. In the ODBC configuration I create a system DSN with name LoveBoat, pointing to a valid file. I don't have any "real" apps…
1 answer

Is TCP/IP required to connect to SQL Server 2008R2 with ODBC over a LAN *NOT* the internet

I have read one two three related threads but im not clear if SQL Server 2008 needs TCP/IP to make this work. Can it not accomplish with a pipe? I would prefer not to open up the machine to the internet just to test my development machine Win7 and…
Mike Trader
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1 answer

Need help making an ODBC MySQL Connection

Short Version: How do I connect from PowerShell to an ODBC 5.1 MySQL Driver? I can't seem to find any connection strings that accurately have a "Provider" field for this particular instance. (See bottom of this question for…
Andy Moore
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2 answers

How to configure Windows user accounts for ODBC network with NT authentication?

I'm trying to create a connection to an SQL Server database from the ODBC Data Source Administrator using "Windows NT authentication using the network login ID". Both server and client are running Windows XP. It appears that any account with…
Ian Mackinnon
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1 answer

Is ODBC on Windows 2003 slower than on Windows 7?

I am seeing some MSSQL 2005 performance issues, and I am trying to diagnose the cause. I am using SQL Profiler to gather query execution times. Both the client app (using ODBC), and the SQL server are running on Windows 2003. I am also using Windows…
Nick Bolton
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1 answer

Built PHP from source with custom DataDirect ODBC drivers, but can't auto start with systemd

I need to build PHP from source in order to use this customer ODBC drivers. I've followed these inspections: and everything (including the ODBC driver) works fine when I manually start apache with…
Barry Ralphs
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