Via SSMS I'm able to connect and navigate the server/db in question. but trying to connect via a logparser script the same credentials fail. I'm trying to execute this from the same box on which the server's running. the username is owner/dbo of the db. The db has mixed mode authentication.

[linebreaks for clarity]

C:\TTS\tools\LogParser>c:\tts\tools\logparser\logparser file:c:\tts\tools\logparser\errors2SQL.sql?source="C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC8\u_ex100521.log"




-oConnString:"Driver={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};Server=servername\SQLEXPRESS;db=Tter;uid=logger2;pwd=foo"

-stats:OFF Task aborted. Error connecting to ODBC Server SQL State: 28000 Native Error: 18456 Error Message: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Login failed for user 'logger2'. C:\TTS\tools\LogParser>

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1 Answers1


Problem was solved by explicitly terminating the password field with a semicolon. I had been using a script from a prior install and apparently previous versions of ODBC were more tolerant.


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