Questions tagged [ntlm]

NTLM (NT LAN Manager) is a suite of Microsoft security protocols that provides authentication, integrity, and confidentiality to users.

179 questions
1 answer

IIS6/NTLM : very slow authentication with user from other domain

I have a WSS 3.0 website hosted on IIS6. It's fully configured for NTLM only. It is hosted in domain A. When users from domain A attempt to access the website, it works fine. Now we are in the process of migration user from domain A to domain B…
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0 answers

Transparent Proxy For Individual Web Apps?

At work, I perform automated testing of our front-end web apps that use Active Directory for authentication. One tool (Sahi) uses a local proxy to go between the web app and the user's browser, to inject javascript in each page before delivering…
1 answer

SMTP Relay via MS Exchange

I am trying to pragmatically send e-mail to external user with Exchange. Now I know if Relay is not Enabled in Exchange Server then e-mail relay will not work. Now, if I send e-mail from my Outlook I can send e-mails to, say, hotmail. But when I am…
Amirul Islam
0 answers

LSA Cache Entries - NTLM versus Negotiate Windows Authentication Providers

We have a situation, due to a recent employee name change, where the HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name property of an ASP.NET web application resolves to the old username. This has been discussed in great detail here, here, and again here. …
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1 answer

NTLM Basic authentication fails behind http apache only when load balancing

I set up an apache http reverse proxy and load balance. I already know that Reverse Proxying will break NTLM dialog, and leads to something like Basic Auth against Active Directory, which is sufficient for me. NTLM is supported by jCIFS on my JBoss,…
Jean-Rémy Revy
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1 answer

ISA 2006 switch to kerberos causes authentication problems for some users

In our large corporate environment we have 4 ISA 2006 servers set up. The users (WinXP IE8) are configured with an automatic proxy configuration script. Recently, the PAC was modified to return FQDN instead of IP addresses of the ISA servers. …
Ed Manet
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4 answers

How to ensure machine is "Kerberos Domain" joined?

i've been having issues where calls to the LogonUser Windows API function is falling back to NTLM authentication, rather than using the preferred, default, Kerberos authentication. Researching the problem, a guy has a suggestion: The thing to do…
Ian Boyd
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1 answer

Apache2 NTLM Authentication on specific URL

I have a problem. I'm using Legrandin's NTLM Authentication Module PyAuthenNTLM2 with my Apache2 server. It really works well and it was easy to install. I recommend it to everybody. The authentication works perfectly fine. But I have a problem…
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1 answer

SOCKS proxy server chained to NTLM protected HTTP proxy on Linux

Our application can connect to Internet only directly or via SOCKS proxy. Unfortunately we can only access the Internet via HTTP proxy protected by NTLM authentication. Is there any SOCKS server that chains outgoing connections via HTTP proxy? NTLM…
0 answers

Remote access to IIS 5.1 via NTLM

I'm trying to configure remote access to IIS 5.1 web server on a virtual xp machine. The web server is used to expose a ASP.NET web service. I want to access the web service using Java client by using NTLM authentication. So I'm making a prototype…
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1 answer

squid3 auth thru samba using ntlm to AD doesn't work

some users here are spending to much time exploring the WWW. So big boss whats to get this under control. We use a squid3 just for some security reason and chace benefits. and now i'm trying to set up a new proxy on a different server (Debian…
Harrys Kavan
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1 answer

Configure Apache to forward requests to proxy with NTLM2 authentication

I'm trying to call a REST API over the internet using SoapUI but I'm behind a corporate firewall that uses NTLM2 authentication which is not supported by SoapUI. Is it possible to run a local Apache or ISS instance to forward the request and add the…
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0 answers

How do I tell if IIS allows for authentication to downgrade from Kerberos to NTLM v1?

It is my understanding that authenticating to IIS with Kerberos will, by default, allow for the authentication to downgrade to NTLM v2 or NTLM v1 if the client cannot handle Kerberos. In my case I have a client that can only use NTLM v1 and I want…
Kirk Liemohn
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1 answer

DCOM Authentication Fails to use Kerberos, Falls back to NTLM

I have a webservice that is written in Classic ASP. In this web service it attempts to create a VirtualServer.Application object on another server via DCOM. This fails with Permission Denied. However I have another component instantiated in this…
Asa Yeamans
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3 answers

Sharepoint 2010 can't find domain users when granting permissions

I'm trying to grant permissions to other people to view a SharePoint site but when granting permissions it uses "Check Names" and claims any user or group that is part of a domain does not exist. It does this if I try granting permissions to the…
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