Questions tagged [ntlm]

NTLM (NT LAN Manager) is a suite of Microsoft security protocols that provides authentication, integrity, and confidentiality to users.

179 questions
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Validating credentials in PowerShell wont use Kerberos

In reality I'm debugging a C# app but since the same command is possible in PowerShell I'm trying there. I am trying to validate user accounts using the following in PowerShell: > Add-Type -AssemblyName System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement >…
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Squid does not write into access.log with kerberos authentication

I finally managed to get squid with kerberos authentication and LDAP group checking to work. I am using squid 4.1, kerberos v5 and Linux Mint Cinnamon 20.1. Everything works fine, but I got a little problem: As soon as I am using Kerberos as…
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Not defined state of the `Network security: Restrict NTLM: NTLM authentication in this domain` GPO

Is NTLM by default disabled on domain controllers with Windows Server 2019? My current tests show that the GPO Network security: Restrict NTLM: NTLM authentication in this domain does not work as documented. When this GPO is Not defined, NTLM does…
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Can any local domain controller authenticate NTLM or do they pass it on to the primary domain controller?

When a Windows server needs to authenticate a domain user with NTLM it asks the local domain controller. My question is whether that domain controller (assuming the user is in that domain) can process NTLM authentication entirely locally, OR, does…
Cody Konior
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Linux servers stopped being able to use PowerShell remoting over WinRM using NTLM on remote Windows Servers

So basically we have a team with Linux servers running PowerShell Core (a mix of 6 and 7) that have to execute remote Windows PowerShell commands on Windows servers. Problem is, the team never got Kerberos working for authentication and is relying…
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SMB Connection to non-domain server

I have a service that needs to establish a SMB connection to several servers. There is no issue with domain-joined computers using a domain account with access. However, I need it to connect to a few servers that are not joined. The service needs…
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Problems accessing shared folder in Windows clustered file Server 2008 R2

Firs of all I need to apologise for my poor technical and language skills. I will try to describe a problem as detail as I can. There is subnet In this subnet I have 3 servers 1 storage and 7 workstations (real count are many…
1 answer

Couldn't upload files to Sharepoint site while passing through Squid Proxy

we have this issue: one of our employees is collaborating with a supplier and he needs to upload documents on a Sharepoint site hosted on the supplier's main site. In our environment we use Squid Proxy to allow people navigate on the net (we have…
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Vista machine not broadcasting DHCP device name on network

When I look on my router at 'attached devices' - I see the names of my XP machine and my Ubuntu box - but the Vista name is not there (despite seeing the IP addresses of all three connected - ie the Vista box shows as device name 'unknown'.) DHCP…
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IIS / PHP not passing (or passing incorrect) NTLM user information

I am currently migrating PHP applications from IIS 8.0 to IIS 10.0. NTLM/Windows Authentication has been installed through Server Manager, the scripts are running on PHP7.1, are using exactly the same configuration and files which were present in…
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Where is the documentation of Apache's mod_auth_sspi module?

I'm trying to configure the mod_auth_sspi module on my Apache server. I've found a few example configurations, but I can't find any proper documentation. Does anyone know where I can find that?
Mathew Alden
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NTLM Unknown username or bad password on Windows Server 2016

I've been receiving the following error(attached file) in my event log lately. So i'm trying to figure out how did this Ip(Source Netword Address) manage to authentication the login details. I only connect to my Web Server via RDP, through a…
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Why there are three rounds of message exchanges for integrated windows authentication for IE

According to the result monitored by fiddler, there are totally 3 handshakes for integrated windows authentication for IE. GET /home - 401 Unauthorized WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate, NTLM GET /home Authorization: Negotiate UYTYGHGYKHKJPPP-=== - 401…
2 answers

How to identify that the protocol is using by AD DC is Kerberous?

I have created a local environment as follows:- DC:- Windows server 2008
Client:- Windows 7
Domain:- januapp.local Now I read on somewhere that, the DC uses two types of Protocol for Authentication. 1.NTLM2.Kerberous Now when I type…
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