Questions tagged [socks]

SOCKS is an Internet protocol that allows both TCP and UDP communications via a proxy server.


SOCKS is a de facto standard for circuit-level gateways.

Another use of SOCKS is as a circumvention tool, allowing traffic to bypass Internet filtering to access content otherwise blocked, e.g., by governments, workplaces, schools, and country-specific web services.

Some SSH suites, such as OpenSSH, support dynamic port forwarding that allows the user to create a local SOCKS proxy. This can free the user from the limitations of connecting only to a predefined remote port and server.

The Tor onion proxy software presents a SOCKS interface to its clients.

196 questions
8 answers

How can I disable encryption on openssh?

I'm having performance problems using openssh (server) and putty (client) combination to use a remote webproxy. I'd like to disable encryption and test the results to see if it makes a difference. How can i do that? Is there anything i can modify in…
2 answers

strange output on ssh tunneling: output failed; connect failed: Connection timed out;

I use ssh user@xx.yy.zz.41 -p 1234 -D 9898 command for tunneling, and I set firefox socks5 ip to and its port to 9898. It works successfully ,but in terminal I have error in output: channel 39: open failed: connect failed: Connection…
Arash Mousavi
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6 answers

If I am using SSH for a SOCKS proxy, do DNS connections go through it?

I am using ssh -D 8080 my server to create a SOCKS proxy. I'm then configuring OS X to use localhost:8080 as a SOCKS proxy. I'm using this to access the internet without being monitored. I'm using Google's DNS servers (, but how do I make…
Jason Marzst
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2 answers

Remote Desktop over SSH SOCKS proxy to bypass firewall

I'm trying to connect to a Windows server from my Mac using RDC2.1 for Mac. The problem is the server I need to connect to is guarded by the evil dragon - IP-based access control on a completely separate network. I have an IP I can get in on, but…
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5 answers

Can I disable interactive shell access while tunneling web traffic through SSH?

I am looking into implementing SSH tunneling as a cheap VPN solution for outside users to access Intranet-only facing web applications. I currently am using Ubuntu Server 10.04.1 64 bit with OpenSSH installed. I am using Putty on Windows boxes to…
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2 answers

How can I setup a SOCKS proxy over ssh with password based authentication on CentOS?

I know how to setup a simple proxy using ssh -D ,but I want to use username and password based authentication for this case. Is there any way?
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1 answer

How to enable SOCKS5 for Squid proxy?

Squid'd default is to operate as an HTTP proxy; however, this FAQ says "No changes are necessary to use Squid with socks5. Simply add the usual -Dbind=SOCKSbind etc., to the compile line and -lsocks to…
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3 answers

SSH socks proxy tunnel without interactive session?

I use ssh -D 1080 open up an SSH tunnel from my work machine to my home machine, so as to bypass the idiotic content filter on the corporate firewall. However this also creates an interactive SSH session that lives the whole time…
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4 answers

How can I make docker-compose pull images using a socks5 proxy?

I'm trying to pull images through a socks5 proxy. I've started the socks5 proxy on port 8888 like this: ssh -NC -D 8888 parham@***.***.** However, when I run docker-compose like this, it is evident that it's not using the environment variable: $…
Parham Doustdar
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1 answer

Squid as Socks5 Proxy server

One of my friends lives in a country which they censor websites and they are fighting with techniques that people use to bypass the censorship. He told me that the only way that he can bypass the censorship now is using SOCKS proxy (that country…
Bamdad Dashtban
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5 answers

Routing all traffic thru socks proxy using ssh -D

is it any easy way to route all traffic through a ssh proxy with -D? I can configure individual specific applications to do this, but I would like a configuration that routes all the traffic on the machine. Thanks for your help!
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1 answer

Dante (SOCKS server) not working

I'm trying to set up a SOCKS proxy using dante for testing purposes. However, I can't even get it to work with a web browser, after looking at several tutorials on how to do that. I've tried in both IE and Firefox, in both cases, using "Manual proxy…
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1 answer

Bind outgoing SOCKS-server traffic to a specific IP

At the office we get access to the web via a SOCKS server which is started with the command: ssh localhost -f -N -D *:8888. This server has 2 IPs (but only one network card): eth0 xx.yy.zz.1 eth0:1 xx.yy.zz.2 So the browsers are configured to use…
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2 answers

What is the difference between SSH and SSH Tunneling

As the title says, I don't really understand the difference between them. For example, if I connect to a specific server through SSH without tunneling I get the same shell as I get with tunneling.
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1 answer

Debian Jessie: how to setup a socks5 proxy server?

I'm running a Debian Jessie server. I'm trying to setup a socks5 proxy server on such server: Firefox (local computer) <> Debian (remote server) <> The Internet I know how to configure proxy with Firefox, and how to configure firewall rules on the…
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