Questions tagged [dcom]

MS Windows Distributed Component Object Model. DCOM is Microsoft's approach to a network-wide environment for program and data objects. It is similar to CORBA

more information can be found here:

55 questions
1 answer

dcomcnfg - Can't set Launch and Activation Permissions - Windows Server 2012

I need to modify the Launch and Activation Permissions for the netman area under the Component Services / DCOM Config. However, this area is disabled preventing any changes. I am in the Administrators group I launched dcomcnfg with elevated…
John Livermore
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2 answers

How come identical name and authentication between two windows PCs on same network works?

My Experiment So I set up a simple network with Two computers. Both on the same Work group. I created a LOCAL user 'A' with pasword 'A' in Computer 1. And then I created an identical named LOCAL user 'A' with identical password 'A' on Computer 2.…
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3 answers

Is there a way to set access to WMI using GroupPolicy?

From various documentation it appears that to change WMI access you need to use WMI to access the running service and modify specific parts of the tree. Its kind of annoying changing 150,000 hosts using the UI. And then having to include such…
Greg Domjan
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2 answers

Can I find the path to a DCOM application executable with WMI or Powershell?

I have installed (and registered) a DCOM application on a W2K8R2 machine, and its GUID can be found in the DCOM list shown by dcomcnfg. I can also use Powershell to find a Win32_DCOMApplication or Win32_DCOMApplicationSetting object for its GUID: PS…
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4 answers

How to get DCOMperm.exe from Microsoft

So I've been trying to solve the "The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission" problem and everything I've been reading says I need to get "DCOMperm.exe". There are plenty of links to usage and download…
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1 answer

DCOM Communication Error on Domain Controller

DCOM was unable to communicate with the computer using any of the configured protocols; requested by PID 1830 (C:\Windows\system32\dcdiag.exe). This error and a couple of others to different IP addresses but referencing the same PID come up…
Wayne In Yak
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2 answers

Event ID 10009 DCOM

We have a Server 2008 R2 DC that is generating Event ID 10009 - "DCOM was unable to communicate with the computer X using any of the configured protocol." I found this question: Event ID 10009 on Server 2008 R2 DCOM was unable to communicate with…
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2 answers

Powerpoint missing from DCOM config

I have an application that automates the creation of powerpoint files in an ASP.NET environment. This requires that I install powerpoint on the server and also set permissions in the DCOM configuration snap-in (dcomcnfg) to give permissions to the…
Paul Prewett
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1 answer

Configure DCOM on Server Core

I'm trying to configure remote access to WMI across a number of servers, however the boxes that are just running Server Core are giving me a headache. Notionally, in order to do this we need to run dcomcnfg and set permissions through that tool for…
Chris J
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1 answer

Set the username and password for DCOM application

Is there a way to run a script against a remote machine to enter the username and password for a specific DCOM application? Locally on the server, I can open up Command Prompt, and type: dcomperm -runas {12345678-1234-1234-1234-00aa00bbf7c7}…
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3 answers

Event ID 10009 on Server 2008 R2 DCOM was unable to communicate with computer X

On Windows Server 2008 R2 I am getting a DCOM event error 10009 "DCOM was unable to communicate with computer X" I can't ping computer X, I don't know what computer X is, and computer X is not in AD. What can I do to either fix this or make it so…
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0 answers

SQL job cannot access Microsoft Excel DCOM application. Permissions are set. What gives?

I have a SQL job that runs a VB script that uses an object provided by the Microsoft Excel DCOM application. Excel 2003 is installed and working. Both SQL Server and SQL agent run under mydomain\thataccount. The error is: The machine-default…
Andrew J. Brehm
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1 answer

DCOM 0x80070005 Access Denied

I have very strange thing I can't beat up for couple of days. I have a self-written .NET based 32-bit service (compiled with x86 flag), that has worked on Win 10 Pro 64-bit machine, which consumes DCOM component…
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1 answer

What is the difference between setting the DTC port range via Registry and dcomcnfg?

I am confused about setting the port range for DTC communication. What is the difference (functionally) by setting the ports via dcomcnfg as described in this NServiceBus Article versus configuring them through the registry as described in this…
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2 answers

Firewall Blocking PSWindowsUpdate

Problem I am trying to use the script from this link below to retrieve windows updates from a remote computer (Server 2012 R2) using the command…
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