Questions tagged [openfire]

Openfire is a XMPP (Jabber) server written in Java. It has facility for developers to create plugins that can extend the server's functionality.

Openfire is a real time collaboration (RTC) server licensed under the Open Source GPL. It uses the only widely adopted open protocol for instant messaging, XMPP (also called Jabber). Openfire was once known as Wildfire and includes a number of plugins that integrate with other communications platforms, including commercial offerings from Jive Software

Ignite Realtime Openfire

Openfire JavaDocs

57 questions
18 answers

Openfire Installation Issue - Can't Login to admin panel

I am trying to get Openfire to install on an Ubuntu virtual machine, however upon completing the web based installer, I am unable to login to the admin panel. So far I: downloaded Debian installer Installed using stock options Added database and…
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2 answers

OpenFire: Hide all users in the same group from each other?

We would like to restrict access to users within a group (Staff) so that they can only see/chat with users from another group (Support) and not each other. We would also like to ensure that users from the Support group can see all those in the Staff…
Phillip B Oldham
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3 answers

Amazon EC2- many micro-instances vs single small/medium instance

I have a chat application using stack of Openfire, Tomcat6 and MySQL. Currently, i have installed all these servers on single Linux micro-instance(613 MB memory). Even in low user base 10-20 i am encountering CPU overload which is quite obvious…
1 answer

XMPP Server on EC2 Amazon Web Service (AWS)

My company uses OpenFire for server-side and smack for client-side in its XMPP Android application. AWS seems like a good and scalable service for what we need. We use it for testing our app, but I'm afraid that the server will crash with 20k-50k…
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How to migrate openfire from embedded to external

The embedded database openfire uses is Hsqldb, written in Java. Openfire has a sort of migration-guide, but it is not exactly complete. First of all the program mentioned there, hsqldb-transfer, is: A GUI program... That must be run as the same…
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How to reset openfire data?

In a long-running openfire server. Is there a way to clear the data currently exists and reset configurations to defaults?
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Openfire Active Directory Trusted Domains

I'm in the process of setting up an Openfire XMPP server for intra-company communication. I have it authenticating against our local DC fine. Our company has two different offices (one in the US, and another in Europe) each with its own domain. …
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Pidgin, OpenLDAP, Users changing own passwords

My issue I think boils down to OpenLDAP. I want my users to be able to change their passwords using the Pidgin chat client. At the moment, I have to set their passwords, and it's a pain. OpenLDAP works fine, my config is below. When users try to…
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cant counting all open files by lsof + lsof is hung

we are tying to count all open files by lsof lsof | wc -l lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfsd-fuse file system /run/user/42/gvfs Output information may be incomplete. but sill after 1 hour lsof not rerun answer ( like its stuck ) any other…
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3 answers

Can Jabber tell my client how long a user has been logged in for?

When we used AIM at work, my client reported the time a user had logged on, how long he'd been logged on, and how long he'd been idle. After switching to an Openfire server, my client (Adium) no longer seems to have this information. Is this a…
1 answer

How do I use Openfire with OpenLDAP and ldap.clientSideSorting?

The system log on my Openfire + OpenLDAP installation is getting flooded with this message: slap_global_control: unrecognized control: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.473 This means that Openfire wants OpenLDAP to do server-side sorting, which OpenLDAP doesn't…
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1 answer

501 Error during Libjingle PCP on Amazon EC2 running Openfire

I am trying to implement Google's Libjingle (version: 0.6.14) PCP example and I am getting a 501: feature not implemented error during execution. Specifically, the error occurs after each "account" has connected, been authenticated and began…
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2 answers

OpenFire wont accept admin logins

We've been using OpenFire for a while to run a Jabber server for our company. The other day we went to make an account for a new employee and found ourselves mysteriously locked out of the admin panel. I've reset the admin password and tried…
Zell Faze
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0 answers

Deleted users in Openfire are not reflected in clients

we do use Openfire as our jabber/xmpp-server. The users are added, an put into groups, which works fine, as the clients get a list of all users and appropiate users. But when deleting a user, this change isn't reflected in the clients. The old users…
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2 answers

Integrate Openfire with MS SqlServer

I originally posted this on stackoverflow. Not sure if this belongs on Serverfault. I am reasonably familiar with the guidelines of serverfault vs stackoverflow however, while it is a server question the goal is to get my XMPP development…
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