Questions tagged [mpm-prefork]

Multi-Processing Module (MPM) implements a non-threaded, pre-forking web server that handles requests in a manner similar to Apache 1.3.

114 questions
2 answers

WINNT Apache MPM "ThreadsPerChild" configuration on Windows Server 2008 R2

I am getting error and unable to start Apache when I set my ThreadPerChild to 200 , although I still have 60% free RAM. Server is Windows Server 2008 R2 With 4GB RAM. How to utilize more RAM to apache in this case? My Apache MPM Configuration: #…
1 answer

How to tune apache with mpm_event

regarding apache tuning, there are lots of good documents and posts on the web eg. How To Tune Apache on Ubuntu 14.04 Server unfortunately almost all of them describe how to tune apache with mpm_prefork. as I understand though, prefork method is a…
0 answers

Is Apache Prefork working fast then Worker MPM to serve static content?

I have found so many stuff related to Apache worker MPM is working fast than Prefork MPM, i know nginx is another option but i want to stick on apache as for use of htaccess and some other features, so i am doing a comparison using apache benchmark…
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1 answer

Apache configured as mpm_worker - why it still shows as mpm_prefork?

I believe that I properly configured Apache MPM as worker under Ubuntu 13.10, including PHP-FPM and FCGI, and disabled mod_php. When I run top I can clearly see multiple Apache (~2-3 MB) and php (~ 25-30 MB) processes running, which increase with…
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0 answers

Apache crashes when running Magento on Amazon EC2 Large

So I've spent the last two days trying to figure this out. We host a pretty high-traffic Magento site on Amazon EC2 Large, using both Apache w/mpm-prefork, Varnish, and APC caching. Problem is the CPUs suddenly spike at 100% and never quits,…
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1 answer

Apache processes become stale but won't time out

I'm having an issue with apache2 httpd. The apache is using mpm_prefork and the web application uses php. I noticed that the machine where the apache runs suddenly drops to 0% cpu usage during the night. When I went to investigate the problem I saw…
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1 answer

Does Apache mod_status give any insight to tuning Apache config?

Does the Apache mod_status output give any insight to tuning Apache prefork config? For example, using Apache's mod_status, I figured out that My server gets 3 requests/sec average, the range is 2-10 requests/sec, and one spike was 28 requests/sec.…
2 answers

Apache Prefork MaxClients cannot exceed 256

I manage a Centos 6.6 server (with cpanel expired license / maybe it's not important) with 8 cores and 64GB RAM and my HTTP server becomes very slow when it reaches between 250 and 300 simultaneous connections. When I found about mpm prefork…
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Apache 2.4 prefork, MySQL 5.6 and 2GB RAM

I think I'm having problem setting up Apache24 correctly. Apache seems to taking up to much RAM, and I'm not sure how to configure it. The FreeBSD server is using 50% of it's swap space. We are running Magento with MySQL 5.6 on a FreeBSD VPS with…
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0 answers

prefork doesn't appear to be listening to MaxClients in config file

Apologies in advance if this is a stupid question, I'm new to all of this! I have prefork installed on a ubuntu server which I confirmed by running aptitude search apache2-mpm- Which gave me p apache2-mpm-event …
Martin Hunt
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1 answer

When/how does Apache kill a child process that you spawn in PHP?

Not sure if this is more appropriate for Server Fault or Stack Overflow, but here goes. I'm using mod_php on Apache MPM prefork and spawning a new process like-so: Assuming that the new…
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1 answer

Apache as reverse proxy: synchronous or asynchronous?

I'm using Apache to serve static content, and then reverse proxy-ing to a Rails server to process dynamic content, some of which can take a long time to generate. When Apache hands off a request to a reverse proxy, is an Apache process used up just…
1 answer

Custom www-data user in Ubuntu

I use apache2-mpm-itk to run one of my web applications with a custom uid and gid, both for audit and security reasons. This works nicely, however I am not sure what kind of privileges this user would need. I am currently doing something like…
Jeroen Ooms
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1 answer

Why does Apache have MaxClients and ServerLimit?

I'm using prefork apache 2.2 and I can't seem to figure out why there is a MaxClients directive and a ServerLimit directive. I understand that you need to increase both of these in step -- google has told me this over and over again. As far as I can…
Gary Richardson
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2 answers

Apache MaxServers not taking effect

I edited my httpd.conf to have the following StartServers 2 MinSpareServers 2 MaxSpareServers 4 MaxClients 150 MaxRequestsPerChild 0 but when I do a root@server [/usr/local/apache/conf]# ps aux | grep httpd | wc…
Adrian A.
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