Questions tagged [mpm-prefork]

Multi-Processing Module (MPM) implements a non-threaded, pre-forking web server that handles requests in a manner similar to Apache 1.3.

114 questions
2 answers

Trying to understand how keep-alive works

Today we encountered a problem on the server, when files/scripts took more that 3 seconds to load. The solution was simple - just increasing MaxClients to the estimated memory limit. But I am worried about scalability of that solution and it doesn't…
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2 answers

switching to worker mpm for apache 2 on ubuntu

How to switch from prefork mpm to worker mpm on ubuntu server? how to roll back if there is any problem? root@myserver:~# apache2ctl -l Compiled in modules: core.c mod_log_config.c mod_logio.c prefork.c http_core.c mod_so.c root@myserver:~#…
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1 answer

Apache Start Fails due to missing mpm module

I originally posted this question on StackOverflow. Before it was taken down as off topic, the answer and comments were leading to MPM not being loaded I tried sudo apt-get install apache-mpm-prefork but was given the error: E: Unable to locate…
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Elastic Beanstalk Log Rotation Causing Apache Restart

I have already worked through AWS Elastic Beanstalk - Apache is restarting constantly Our elastic beanstalk instances are reporting the following message in the error_log [Mon Jun 26 22:01:01.878892 2017] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 8595] AH00173:…
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2 answers

ubuntu 14.04 Apache 2.4.7 mpm_event Files and FilesMatch not working

We recently switched our Apache 2.4.7 mode from mpm_pre-fork to mpm_event. Since then we haven't been able to get our Files directive to work. Header set Cache-Control "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, max-age=0" I…
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0 answers

Tuning Amazon Linux worker tier

I have a worker tier that is using PHP process control (pcntl) functions to send multiple requests to the SNS service in parallel. My question is how best to tune MPM_PREFORK directives to get the best out of the box and how to calculate the most…
Mike Miller
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1 answer

How does apache handles connections and requests using worker and prefork mpm modules?

I know that prefork module in apache creates one master process and several child processes to handle connections, my question is: Does each prefork child handles one connection or handles one request per time? and if it handles one connection does…
Hussein Galal
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2 answers

How do MaxSpareServers work in Apache?

I've scoured the web but I can't find out what MaxSpareServers are in Apache MPM prefork.. The MaxSpareServers directive sets the desired maximum number of idle child server processes. An idle process is one which is not handling a request. If…
John Hunt
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1 answer

Why are my httpd mpm_prefork processes being reaped so quickly?

[EDIT] Bad question, mostly - see my answer [/EDIT] We've got a system running RHEL6, x64. We are using a local installation of apache 2.2.22 from source. we serve primarily: mod_perl applications (with a local installation of perl…
Dan Pritts
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2 answers

How to figure out how much RAM each prefork thread requires for maximum Wordpress performance on an EC2 small instance

Just read Making WordPress Stable on EC2-Micro In the "Tuning Apache" section, I can't quite figure out how he comes up with his numbers for his prefork config. He explains how to get the numbers for an average process, which I get. But then: Or…
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3 answers

apache shuts down because MaxClients reached

have a serious problem. I've got virtual server which runs Apache and two web project with a lot of visitors (about 5 hits per second). My server starts to shut down by itself. In error log I found this problem [error] server reached MaxClients…
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0 answers

Apache spawning workers even though there's almost no access

Lately Apache has been spawning workers even though there seems to be no reason for it. After ~10 minutes of a restart, it keeps spawning workers until it reaches the maximum number and new requests are never served. After a service restart (service…
João Pesce
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1 answer

Switching from MPM Worker to Event with PHP-FPM

CentOS 7, Apache 2.4, FPM/FastCGI, MariaDB My 512M VPS is eating up memory with one development WordPress site, so I'm hoping this will lead me down a path of better tuning; if not, please inform. I am attempting to switch from MPM Worker to MPM…
Ryan Prentiss
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2 answers

Optimize Apache for high concurrent requests

I am running a Apache2 Ubuntu server which serves the API request from mobile apps. Recently I am facing a bottleneck that when the request getting higher (more concurrent users), the request response is getting slow. Previously ~1 or 2 seconds will…
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1 answer

How to optimize prefork mpm for high traffic?

I have allocated 5GB of memory for Apache processes. While basing on the fact that each Apache process consume in average 42.5MB I've set the following on my server (while calculating as if each process consumes 50MB of memory):
Shahar Galukman
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