Questions tagged [mpm-prefork]

Multi-Processing Module (MPM) implements a non-threaded, pre-forking web server that handles requests in a manner similar to Apache 1.3.

114 questions
1 answer

Why does the Apache root process answer requests?

I run an Apache prefork MPM on Ubuntu 10.04 server. It listens on port 8080. One process runs as root, and the child processes run as www-data. This is as advertised. However, the root process does answer requests, too! Therefore, some requests…
Torsten Bronger
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3 answers

Apache server is spawning more and more processes, maxing out RAM and dying

We have a LAMP setup that had been working pretty well for half a year when the Apache server (MySQL servers are not on this box) just started to die. It seems to have started to spawn more and more processes over time. Eventually it will consume…
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AH03490: scoreboard is full, not at MaxRequestWorkers.Increase ServerLimit

I have a server with Apache 2.4.37 default install running on CentOS 8 x64. My hardware is: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 0 @ 2.00GHz, 16 cores 32GB of memory ram 1TB SSD In /var/log/httpd/error_log i have too much records: [mpm_event:error] [pid…
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1 answer

mpm-prefork apache increasing MaxRequestWorkers not affecting my RAM to much

I read about the Apache mpm-prefork configuration and I tried to tune the MaxRequestWorkers parameter. My settings before the change were as follows: StartServers 10 MinSpareServers …
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Zero idle workers in apache2 server causing performance issues

I have a SAAS product built on php along with apache2 and mysql and it has been hosted on AWS. My production is very very slow on peak times and when I check server-status then it says idle workers are 0 (zero) I am using mpm-prefork Current Time:…
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Which mpm setting to use to limit the number of connections on Centos 7 apache

I am googling around and finding myself going down a rabbit hole and getting nowhere. My over all goal is to limit the number of connections that can be made at the same time to Apache on a Centos 7 server. With the default setting: [root@app1 ~]#…
1 answer

Apache prefork module. Processes not being forked under heavy load

I have an apache prefork module http server running on linux machine. The machine has 8GB RAM. I have following in my /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: StartServers 8 MinSpareServers 5 MaxSpareServers 20 …
1 answer

Why so much maxrequestworkers suggestion by apachebuddy?

I am using a Ubuntu 18.04 server for hosting a big WordPress site, this site gets max 2500 visitor per day. My issue is my site going down every few minutes and showing 504 Gateway Time-out error. I already increased timeout setting in nginx,…
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1 answer

Apache Server Status Sending Reply with extrem high SS

I'm currently running into a really strange issue. My apache (prefork - 2.2.15) is running into MaxClients Limit and is therefore not responding to requests anymore. The Server-Status is showing a lot of Requests in state W Sending Reply, but with a…
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Increase in memory utilization after upgrading to httpd 2.4.34 from 2.4.23 for 7.2

We upgraded from httpd 2.4.23 to 2.4.32 . After upgrade, we noticed mpm module got changed from preforx to event in 2.4.23 $ /apps/httpd.2.4.23/bin/httpd -M | grep mpm mpm_prefork_module (static $ /apps/httpd-2.4.34/bin/httpd -M | grep…
Zama Ques
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2 answers

How to reduce server load with Apache PHP

Our Linode server load has increased in the last month running CentOS 7. I have upgraded to MariaDB 10.3 with PHP 7.2 now on CentOS 7.5 with 16GB of ram and 6 cores. MariaDB also on the server using 5372.81 MB according to apache2buddy perl script.…
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One app, several virtual host and multiple apache instances

We are having a problem in witch from time to time our apache2 server stops working. When I try to restart it I need to first kill several existing running instances of apache. Like this: sudo service apache2 restart pidof apache2 sudo kill -9…
1 answer

Apache2,4 + Prefork + Keep-alive On

I'm trying to speed up a website with a lot of images that are served from a separate subdomain (same IP as www.) Using the pingdom tool noticed that first 5-6 requests (on are making full connections…
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How can I increase 5000 concurrent request with mpm_prefork on Apache

I've configured Apache web server on my CentOs sever machine. I want to increase 5000 concurrent request with MPM_Prefork. Please suggest best Prefork configuration for that. I've done Prefork configuration on httpd.conf file, but its not…
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1 answer

How do you tell Apache 2.4 which MPM to use on Amazon Linux?

How do I select which Apache MPM to use? talks about the pros and cons of the different MPMs. This question is: How does one tell Apache 2.4 which MPM to use?