Questions tagged [mpm-prefork]

Multi-Processing Module (MPM) implements a non-threaded, pre-forking web server that handles requests in a manner similar to Apache 1.3.

114 questions
1 answer

Does MaxClients determine the number of active users in a site

Keeping all factors constant , assuming my apache server is configured as below , in event mpm StartServers 2 MinSpareServers 2 MaxSpareServers 5 MaxClients 200 # ServerLimit 200 # MaxRequestsPerChild…
0 answers

Apache2 can't handle 200 concurrent requests with 8GB Ram and 4 core cpu

I am load testing a worpress site with , i am sending 100 concurrent requests per second, running the test in exactly 1 minute. The test fails considerably after 20 seconds or so, nothing logged on the apache error log, I monitored ram…
0 answers

Bots causing server to crash - getting error "server seems busy" in apache logs - need to update prefork settings?

So after my website ( running on a Rackspace 2GB ram centos 7 instance) went down twice this week I went through the logs and seems the culprit are bots ( search engine and others.. ) The bots seem legitimate as the site has undergone major changes,…
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0 answers

Apache MPM_Prefork Setting for high performance

My VPS has 16GB RAM / 6 Cores and it's running on Debian 10 with Virtualmin installed. and my script needs mpm_php to work properly. Getting high traffic so I need to adjust the default setting of the mpm_prefork settings. i read mpm_worker or…
0 answers

How to increase amount of concurrent connections in apache2?

I am running into traffic issues as apache 2.4.18 maxes out on concurrent connections: ps auxf | grep apache2 | wc -l 258 As soon as 258 is reached the server is waiting to serve new connections to new visitors, the value never rises above…
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1 answer

apachectl reports that it's in worker mode, however the configuration seems to be set to prefork

I'm using a VPS running Apache2.4 and CentOS7. I'm hitting some threading issues and would like to try to run Apache in prefork mode. If I run apachectl -V to check which mode I'm in, I get this result: Server MPM: worker threaded: yes…
1 answer

Is there a way for Apache to control how much memory it reserves?

Apache seems to have no control over how much memory it reserves. In MPM prefork you control the maximum number of processes you want to allow, but whatever number you use there, there is always a risk that existing processes will require more…
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3 answers

Apache as backend server doesnt kill childs

I have apache as backend server for nginx. Here is my config for prefork MPM which i use: StartServers 1 MinSpareServers 1 MaxSpareServers 5 MaxClients 10 MaxRequestsPerChild 0 So as you can see, MinSpareServers is…
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1 answer

Single CMS site on dedicated server

Possible Duplicate: Can you help me with my capacity planning? We're about to launch a huge website, expecting a HUGE traffic especially in the first few weeks. It will be a Joomla CMS based community website. We expect 20k-50k unique visits each…
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