Questions tagged [prefork]

12 questions
1 answer

Apache httpd process using too much memory

I am running a dedicated apache web server on CentOS6 it has: 12GB memory 4 cpus My httpd config is as follows, from /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf Timeout 60 KeepAlive Off MaxKeepAliveRequests 100 KeepAliveTimeout 15 The server is using the Prefork…
Rick Scolaro
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3 answers

Apache tuning with very high-load LAMP server

I have a LAMP server that can be serving ~400 requests per second at times, the server configuration is: CPU: Intel Quad Core Xeon X3430 (4 x 2.40 GHz, 8MB Cache) RAM: 16 GB REG ECC DDR3 HD: 500 GB Enterprise Grade SATA II OS: CentOS 64 Bit (Latest…
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0 answers

Apache 2.4: Differences between prefork, event and worker modes

Apache 2.4.x allows 3 different modes: prefork event worker What are the conceptual differences between these three? What are the types of applications or each or situations in which each MPM is useful?
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2 answers

Apache: configure prefork in a per-virtualhost way

I host different sites on the same Linux server (an AWS EC2 instance), I would like to give these sites different limits via a virtualhost specific configuration. Is this possible?
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prefork doesn't appear to be listening to MaxClients in config file

Apologies in advance if this is a stupid question, I'm new to all of this! I have prefork installed on a ubuntu server which I confirmed by running aptitude search apache2-mpm- Which gave me p apache2-mpm-event …
Martin Hunt
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Multiple ServerRoot directives in single apache

i came across a apache httpd 2.2 configuration recently in which multiple ServerRoot-directives were defined, each followed by individual prefork Settings. Sort of like this: ServerRoot root1 StartServers …
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How do I change from prefork to worker mpm on Redhat Linux 64bit?

How do I change from the prefork to worker mpm on Redhat Linux 64bit. /bin/httpd -l Compiled in modules: core.c mod_access.c mod_auth.c mod_include.c mod_log_config.c mod_env.c mod_setenvif.c mod_ssl.c prefork.c http_core.c …
micheal marquiz
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Sessions different on FCGI or mod_php?

I have a cluster of webservers running on apache-php (with prefork). I'm planning to move from prefork to worker (fcgi). The problem is that I cannot move all servers at once so for a short period of times (matter of days) few of them will be on…
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Does PHP take advantage of APC if run as apache module with prefork?

I have installed APC, but I am not observing as big an impact on performance as I expected. Actually, I'm not sure I'm observing any benefit, though maybe it's just because the cpu time spent in interpreting php code is negligible compared to the…
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Apache prefork vs. workder - what is wrong with my settings?

I have installed PHP as an Apache module. I have had prefork running all this while. I've read that worker would consume less memory while offer higher performance]1. So, I've edited /etc/sysconfig/httpd and…
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1 answer

Apache has a ton of processes started when looking at top and causes site to not load

I have tried to fix this but don't know enough, apparently. When I run top command I see that its filled with httpd processes. When this happens my site stops loading. It doesn't crash it just spins and spins. I am using prefork MPM. This looks…
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1 answer

Does Apache spawn piped logger on each HTTP request?

I am examining a high-volume Apache prefork site and noticing that many log entries such as: CustomLog '|/foo/bar/cronolog -foo -bar' RewriteLog '|/foo/bar/cronolog -bar -foo' When apache logs the request or the rewrite is cronolog spawned for EACH…
Jé Queue
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